* Added the RMSD between the initial and final structures during optimization, make
the RMSD, maximumim displacement, and the index of the maximally displaced atom
results that can be tabulated and stored.
* Added an option to discard the structure from an optimization.
2024.12.9 -- Add the force constants as a property.
* Add the force constants as a property of the configuration when running
thermodynamics, IR, or force constants calculations.
2024.10.15 -- Bugfix: error if used in a loop and previous directories deleted.
* The code crashed if called with a loop in the flowchart, and the last directory of
a previous loop iteration was deleted before running the next iteration.
2024.8.21 -- Bugfix for PM7-TS and optimization, GUI clean up for CI calculations.
* Calculations using PM7-TS do not write information to the AUX file, so added code to
get the energy from the output file.
* For optimizations, the option for the frequency of calculating the force constants
and the maximum radius of convergence were missing from the GUI for the EF
method. The frequency also was not being correctly handled in the input to MOPAC.
* The GUI for using CI calculations was cleaned up.