
Latest version: v10.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 681812 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Bug fixes
* A missing symbol in ``more.pyi`` was fixed (thanks to eberts-google and nathanielmanistaatgoogle)

* Other changes
* :func:`all_equal` was optimized (thanks to pochmann3 and rhettinger)



* Changes to existing functions
* :func:`circular_shifts` now accepts a ``steps`` parameter (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`distinct_permutations` now accepts iterables with non-comparable items (thanks to hgustafsson, JamesParrott, and pochmann3)
* :class:`run_length`, :func:`totient`, :func:`sliding_window`, and :func:`triplewise` were optimized (thanks to rhettinger)
* :class:`ilen` was optimized (thanks to pochmann3 and rhettinger)
* :func:`sample` was improved, and now accepts ``counts`` and ``strict`` parameters (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`set_partitions` now accepts ``min_size`` and ``max_size`` parameters (thanks to Pandede)
* :func:`seekable`'s ``relative_seek`` method remembers previous calls (thanks to dkrikun)
* :func:`sort_together` now accepts a ``strict`` parameter (thanks to rhettinger and Pandede)

* Other changes
* The docs for :func:`is_sorted` and :func:`strictly_n` were improved (thanks to pochmann3 and fakuivan)
* The typing information for :func:`windowed_complete`, :func:`zip_broadcast`, and and :func:`zip_equal` were improved (thanks to m472, eyalho, akisatoon1, jbosboom, and Pandede)



* New functions
* :func:`powerset_of_sets`, :func:`dft`, and :func:`idft` (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`join_mappings` (thanks to NeilGirdhar and rhettinger)
* :func:`doublestarmap` (thanks to Skeen, monk-time, DamianB-BitFlipper, and ergoithz)
* :func:`unique` (thanks to rhettinger)

* Changes to existing functions
* :func:`collapse`, :func:`chunked_even`, :func:`ichunked`, :func:`padded`, and :func:`windowed` were optimized and improved (thanks to james-wasson)
* :func:`totient` was optimized (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`roundrobin` was updated and improved (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`all_equal` now accepts a *key* parameter.
* The docs for :func:`value_chain` were improved (thanks to bjrtx)
* The type annotations for :class:`countable` were improved (thanks to aidanholm)

* Other changes
* Unit tests were improved (thanks to haukex)
* Some documentation issues were fixed (thanks to bjrtx and DimitriPapadopoulos)



* New functions
* :func:`iter_suppress` (thanks to jaraco, pochmann, and rhettinger)
* :func:`filter_map` (thanks to struktured)
* :func:`classify_unique` (thanks to haukex)
* :func:`totient` (from the itertools docs)
* :func:`reshape` (from the itertools docs)

* Changes to existing functions
* :func:`factor`, :func:`iter_index`, :func:`sieve`, and :func:`unique_justseen` were updated to match the itertools docs
* :func:`first` was was optimized (thanks to pochmann)
* :func:`takewhile_inclusive` was was refactored (thanks to eltoder)
* :func:`combination_with_replacement_index` was was optimized (thanks to elliotwutingfeng and rhettinger)
* :func:`nth_permutation`, :func:`nth_combination_with_replacement`, :func:`combination_index`, and :func:`combination_with_replacement_index` were optimized (thanks to rhettinger)
* :func:`batched` now accepts a `strict` argument (adapted from itertools docs)
* :func:`time_limited` was improved for Windows (thanks to haukex)

* Other changes
* Several typing updates were made (thanks to obaltian and ilai-deutel)
* Some documentation issues were fixed (thanks to F-park, DimitriPapadopoulos, peterbygrave, shuuji3, eltoder, and homeworkprod)



* New functions
* :func:`takewhile_inclusive` (thanks to OlegAlexander)
* :func:`outer_product` (thanks to OlegAlexander)

* Changes to existing functions
* :func:`zip_broadcast` was improved (thanks to kalekundert and pochmann)
* :func:`consume` had its type annotation fixed (thanks to obaltian)

* Other changes
* Some documentation and testing issues were fixed (thanks to OlegAlexander)



* Potentially breaking changes
* Python 3.7 support was dropped, since it went EOL on 2023-06-27
* :func:`batched` no longer issues a ``DeprecationWarning``; it is now an alias for ``itertools.batched`` for Python 3.12+
* :func:`batched` and :func:`matmul` now yield tuples instead of lists

* New functions
* :func:`combination_with_replacement_index` (thanks to Schoyen)
* :func:`nth_combination_with_replacement` (thanks to Schoyen)
* :func:`polynomial_eval` (from the Python itertools docs)
* :func:`polynomial_derivative` (from the Python itertools docs)
* :func:`sum_of_squares` (from the Python itertools docs)

* Changes to existing functions
* :func:`seekable` now has ``relative_seek`` method (thanks to karlb)
* :func:`chunked_even` was optimized (thanks to elliotwutingfeng)
* :func:`numeric_range` was optimized (thanks to eltoder)
* :func:`duplicates_justseen`, :func:`pairwise`, :func:`partial_product`, and :func:`partition` were updated and optimized (thanks to pochmann)
* :func:`unique_in_window` had its implementation updated (thanks to elliotwutingfeng)
* :func:`iterate` now breaks when its ``func`` argument raises ``StopIteration`` (thanks to jrebiffe)

* Other changes
* Some documentation and testing issues were fixed (thanks to lonnen and XuehaiPan)

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