
Latest version: v5.0.8

Safety actively analyzes 633187 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Docker Digest for 5.0.8: _sha256:cfcd97074011bd563cdbeebac35ed710581a23cb2be07ab9b67aa00298fc3369_

* Improved support for non-generic partitions (China, GovCloud, ISO-regions).
All ARN's now contain the correct partition for resources created in those regions.

New Services:
* NetworkManager:
* create_global_network()
* describe_global_networks()
* create_core_network()
* create_global_network()
* delete_core_network()
* list_core_networks()
* get_core_network()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

* ResilienceHub: list_app_assessments() can now return pre-configured results
* ResourceGroupTagging: get_resources() now returns results when filtering on "lambda:function"
* S3: delete_object_tagging()/put_object_tagging() now send an EventBridge notification


Docker Digest for 5.0.7: _sha256:81ac52ff74b0bf0f4957ee4260e6a7e75d66c9e5d040ed4f721a5500b873c88a_

New Services:
* Sagemaker Metrics:
* batch_put_metrics()

New Methods:
* DynamoDB:
* describe_import()
* import_table()

* EMR Serverless:
* cancel_job_run()
* get_job_run()
* list_job_runs()
* start_job_run()

* IAM:
* tag_instance_profile()
* untag_instance_profile()

* Panorama:
* create_node_from_template_job()
* describe_node_from_template_job()
* list_nodes()

* SSO-Admin:
* describe_account_assignment_creation_status()
* describe_account_assignment_deletion_status()

* WAFv2:
* create_ip_set()
* delete_ip_set()
* list_ip_sets()
* get_ip_set()
* update_ip_set()
* put_logging_configuration()
* get_logging_configuration()
* list_logging_configurations()
* delete_logging_configuration()

* Athena: start_query_execution() now supports the ExecutionParameters-parameter
* DynamoDB: Tables now support DeleteProtection
* DynamoDB: update_item() no longer throws an error when deleting an item from an empty set
* DynamoDB: update_item() no throws an error when adding an empty set
* EC2: delete_network_acl() now throws an error when the ACL still has associations attached to it
* EC2: describe_route_tables() now supports the `route.nat-gateway-id` filter
* EC2: revoke_security_group_ingress/_egress() now throw an error when an unknown Security Group is passed


Docker Digest for 5.0.6: _sha256:da919d3c1db07b378c413ed00a6c1c3e32ce1943a13671658c4db0f55dd49e42_

New Services:
* Bedrock:
* create_model_customization_job()
* delete_custom_model()
* delete_model_invocation_logging_configuration()
* get_custom_model()
* get_model_customization_job()
* get_model_invocation_logging_configuration()
* list_custom_models()
* list_model_customization_jobs()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* put_model_invocation_logging_configuration()
* stop_model_customization_job()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

* BedrockAgent:
* create_agent()
* create_knowledge_base()
* delete_agent()
* delete_knowledge_base()
* get_agent()
* get_knowledge_base()
* list_agents()
* list_knowledge_bases()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

New Methods:
* EC2:
* describe_addresses_attributes()

* Rekognition:
* detect_custom_labels()

* Sagemaker:
* update_trial_component()

* CloudFront: update_distribution() now supports the CacheBehaviours-parameter
* DynamoDB: query() now acts correctly when paginating GSI tables without range keys
* EC2: RouteTables can now have multiple propagations
* EC2: describe_instances() now now filter by product-code and product-code.type
* EC2: describe_security_group_rules() now validates the format of the incoming security group id's
* ECS: update_service() now supports the loadBalancers-parameter
* Logs: describe_metric_filter() now has the correct validation for metricNamespaces
* IOT: search_index() now supports thingTypeName
* SFN: send_task_failure()/send_task_success() now work correctly when using the Parser
* SNS: subscribe() now throws an exception if the endpoint doesn't exist
* SQS: Improved queue name validation


Docker Digest for 5.0.5: _sha256:b95cf0d65557475f29e7256938028eef352e23acafe8e07c071cd58b67c44708_

* DynamoDB: scan() now returns items in a alphabetical order

New Methods:
* SecretsManager:
* batch_get_secret_value()

* ApplicationAutoscaling: put_scaling_policy() now generates CW alarms for DynamoDB and ECS
* DynamoDB: Fix pagination for scan()/query()
* DynamoDB: batch_write_item() now validates for duplicate DELETE or PUT requests
* Events: put_events() now validates that input-values cannot be empty
* IOT: create_topic_rule() now validates name-format
* ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: tag_resources() now supports RDS snapshots
* SFN: Fixed a bug where the executionInput was double encoded


Docker Digest for 5.0.4: _sha256:e13e917e563bd1e3bb745b0ce914bdcc3bd4577542e13e1468eac5078774b2aa_

* Lambda: The results of a Dockerless invocation can now be configured.

* StepFunctions can now execute the provided StepFunctionMachine (opt-in), instead of returning static data (still the default).

New Service:
* ElastiCache:
* list_tags_for_resource()

* ResilienceHub:
* create_app()
* create_app_version_app_component()
* create_app_version_resource()
* create_resiliency_policy()
* describe_app()
* describe_resiliency_policy()
* import_resources_to_draft_app_version()
* list_app_assessments()
* list_app_version_app_components()
* list_app_version_resources()
* list_app_versions()
* list_apps()
* list_resiliency_policies()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* publish_app_version()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

* Workspaces:
* create_tags()
* create_workspace_image()
* create_workspaces()
* deregister_workspace_directory()
* describe_client_properties()
* describe_tags()
* describe_workspace_directories()
* describe_workspace_image_permissions()
* describe_workspace_images()
* describe_workspaces()
* modify_client_properties()
* modify_selfservice_permissions()
* modify_workspace_creation_properties()
* register_workspace_directory()
* update_workspace_image_permission()

* APIGateway: update_usage_plan() now supports some remove-operations
* Autoscaling: describe_auto_scaling_groups() now returns a dynamic CreatedTime
* CloudFormation: Outputs now support Conditions
* CloudFormation: Outputs now return Descriptions
* CognitoIDP: admin_update_user_attributes() and admin_delete_user_attributes now correctly update the UserLastModifiedDate
* DynamoDB: query() no longer requires the LastEvaluatedKey to exist
* EC2: describe_vpc_endpoint_services() now supports all services
* Kinesis: list_streams() now returns StreamSummaries
* Lambda: get_policy() now throws an error when no statements exist
* ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI now supports DynamoDB tables
* ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI now supports SSM documents
* S3: EventBridge notifications are now supported for ObjectRestore:Post
* S3: restore_object() now contains limited validation when supplying both Days- and Type-argument
* S3: select_object_content() now supports Compressed requests and CSV responses
* SecretsManager: list_secrets() now handles negative matches correctly
* SNS: delete_endpoint() is now an idempotent operation, just like AWS


Docker Digest for 5.0.3: _sha256:032d8ead42f289d9700e9bc844c6d264575ad11b3f6c22cc76d65ff638c8c7bd_

* New configuration options for:
- Passing URL's through the proxy
- Configuring DOcker-less services in ServerMode

New Services:
* Route53Domains:
* delete_domain()
* list_domains()
* list_operations()
* register_domain()
* update_domain_nameservers()

New Methods:
* CostExplorer:
* get_cost_and_usage()

* ECR:
* get_registry_scanning_configuration()

* ApiGateway: update_usage_plan() now supports adding apiStages
* Athena: get_query_execution() now returns exact OutputLocation file
* Autoscaling: describe_auto_scaling_groups() now supports the filters-argument
* CloudFront: create_distribution() now supports CustomHeaders
* CloudFront: update_distribution() now handles updates to DistributionConfig correctly
* CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of AWS::EMR::Cluster
* CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration
* CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of AWS::EFS::AccessPoint
* CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of AWS::EFS::FileSystem
* CloudFormation - Now supports creation and deletion of AWS::EMR::InstanceGroupConfig
* CloudFormation - Now supports deletion of AWS::Logs::LogGroup
* CloudFormation: delete_stack() now handles resource dependencies better
* CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports large (compressed) requests
* CognitoIDP: admin_initiate_auth() and respond_to_auth_challenge() now support SMS_MFA
* DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now raises ValidationException when putting and deleting the same item
* EC2: authorize_security_group_egress/_ingress now support the TagSpecifications-argument
* EC2: describe_security_group_rules() now supports Tag-filters
* S3: EventBridge notifications are now supported for ObjectCreated:POST/COPY/MULTIPART_UPLOAD and ObjectDeleted
* SNS: subscribe() now adds support the `$or`, `equals-ignore-case` and `suffix` features in a FilterPolicy
* SQS: send_message() should respect DelaySeconds of 0

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