
Latest version: v0.19.0

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Bugfix and cleanup release

* Fixed broken ``SessionRefresh`` middleware
* Removed ``oidc_exempt_urls`` config model fields - these turn out not to be used and
you typically want to specify them in django settings as they are tied to the session
refresh middleware.



Bugfix release

* Redirect responses from the OP_LOGOUT request are no longer followed automatically.



Small feature release

* Added ``mozilla_django_oidc_db.fields.ClaimFieldDefault`` to specify default values
for ``ClaimField`` in a less verbose way.



This release is a big rewrite and refactor of the library internals.

💥 There are a number of breaking changes, please review the notes further down.

**Why the rework?**

mozilla-django-oidc-db originated in being able to change OpenID Provider configuration
(such as the endpoints, client ID...) on the fly rather than at deploy time. So, we
implemented looking up the settings from a database model rather than the Django
settings, and this worked for a while. The scope was limited to logging in to the admin
interface with OpenID Connect.

Then, authentication flows also relying on OpenID Connect for different types of users
became relevant - one or more different configurations, with different client IDs etc.
This was further complicated that not every configuration should result in a Django user
record being created/updated.

Implementing this in projects was possible, but it involved custom authentication
backends, custom authentication request views and custom callback views to achieve the
desired behaviour, resulting in quite a lot of spread-out code, duplication and
annoyances for the administrators on the OpenID Provider side (adding yet another
new Redirect URI for every configuration flavour...).

The rework addresses all this - customization and extension is still possible through
(custom or proxy) models, but our authentication request view now makes sure to store
which configuration to use in the callback view and authentication backend(s).
Customizing behaviour on the authentication backend level is now also much more in line
with standard Django practices, by using ``settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``.

This is a big internal rewrite and mostly affects people that were doing these sort of
customizations. We've incorporated our experiences from the Open Forms and Open Inwoner
projects in this rework and applied "lessons learned".

**💥 Breaking changes**

While we were able to perform most of the changes without breaking public API, some
aspects could not be avoided. The majority are related to customization - for more
details, please read the customization documentation.

* Dropped support for Django 3.2 (and thus also mozilla-django-oidc 3.x). These are no
longer maintained.

* The attributes ``OIDCAuthenticationBackend.sensitive_claim_names`` and
``OIDCAuthenticationBackend.config_identifier_field`` are removed. This affects you
if you were subclassing this backend to override these attributes.

You can provide these in your custom configuration model(s) as the
``oidcdb_sensitive_claims`` and ``oidcdb_username_claim`` model fields or properties.
See the implementation of the ``OpenIDConnectConfigBase`` model for more details.

* The ``GetAttributeMixin``, ``SoloConfigMixin`` and generic type support for
``OIDCAuthenticationBackend`` are removed. Instead of the dynamic attribute lookups,
you can use ``mozilla_django_oidc_db.config.dynamic_setting``. The solo config mixin
is no longer relevant, because the ``config_class`` attribute is set during
the ``authenticate`` method call, and that also removed the necessity for generic

* Custom callback views should generally not be necessary anymore to modify user
authentication/creation/updating behaviour. Instead, you should probably use a custom
authentication backend and add that to your Django settings. However, if you modify
the authentication views to add error handling or different redirect behaviour on
success/error, you should subclass
``mozilla_django_oidc_db.views.OIDCAuthenticationCallbackView`` rather than
``OIDCCallbackView`` (the latter now acts as a router). You can point from the config
model to the view to use for this.

* The ``GetAttributeMixin`` and ``SoloConfigMixin`` for ``SessionRefresh`` are removed,
instead you can use the ``dynamic_setting`` descriptor (similar to the authentication
backend change).

* The django-solo caching mixin is removed from the models. The configuration is only
retrieved when authenticating, and the regular django-solo cache settings apply. We
do however modify the cache key so that it points to a unique django model to look up.

* The fields ``oidc_kc_idp_hint`` and ``oidc_op_logout_endpoint`` are added to the base
model. If you specify these yourself, remove them from your own models. You'll need to
run ``makemigrations`` to update your own models.

**New features**

* [99] Improved support for customizing authentication behaviour. See the new section
in the documentation for details.
* [102] Added system checks.
* [42] Added keycloak IDP hint configuration field and logout endpoint.

**Project maintenance**

* Added more (technical) documentation - both user-guide style and API reference docs.
* Improved quality of tests - we avoid mocks and favour testing against real OpenID
Providers (using



* [`84`_] Updated usage section in README
* [`88`_] Set up Sphinx documentation on readthedocs
* [`94`_] Claims with "." characters in them are now supported
* [`92`_] Fixed a crash when validating the user claim mapping

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**Breaking changes**

* Dropped support for Django 4.1
* Dropped support for Python 3.8 and 3.9
* Dropped support for mozilla-django-oidc 2.0

**New features**

* Confirmed support for mozilla-django-oidc 4.0
* Confirmed support for Python 3.12
* [`80`_] Added configuration to call token endpoint with HTTP Basic Auth
* [`83`_] Support ``application/jwt`` responses from userinfo endpoint

**Project maintenance/refactors**

* Added more typehints
* Added docker-compose setup for Keycloak OIDC Provider
* Added VCR for testing against real OIDC provider(s)

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