What's new
- Support for complex amplitude simulation.
- New isotropic interpolation schemes. Added ``isotropic_interpolation`` as a `sim.config` parameter.
Allowed values are ``linear`` and ``Gaussian``.
- New ``larmor_freq(B0)`` function added to the `Isotope` class which returns the Larmor frequency
of the isotope, given a magnetic flux density. For example, `H1.larmor_freq(B0=9.40)`
- New weak J and dipolar coupling enumerations added to `freq_contrib`.
- New command-line interface (CLI) tools for mrsimulator.
- Added 200+ NMR active isotopes to the library.
- Support for python 3.10
- New Event classes---``SpectralEvent`` and ``MixingEvent``. The MixingEvent controls the transition
amplitude mixing in a multi-event method.
- New ``TotalMixing`` and ``NoMixing`` mixing query enumerations for quick scripting of common mixing
- New weights attribute for the ``TransitionPathway`` object, which holds the probability of
the transition pathway based on the mixing events defined within the method.
- New ``plot()`` function in Method class, which generates a visual representation of the method's events,
transition pathways, rotor angle, etc.
- Support for concurrent mixing events.
- Support for negative spectral width in a spectral dimension.
- Deprecated ``Method1D`` and ``Method2D`` classes. Use the generic ``mrsimulator.method.Method``
object for custom 1D and 2D methods.
- New function ``simplify()`` to simplifies a spin system object to
a list of irreducible spin systems.
- New function ``site_generator()`` added to the utility collection sub-module, which simplifies
the process of creating Site objects in bulk.
- Added gyromagnetic ratio and quadrupole moment metadata for all isotopes, including unstable
- New `SkewGaussian`, `TopHat`, and `Mask` apodization functions were added to the signal processor module.
- Restructured documentation layout
- Improved troubleshooting section.
- Added section *User Guide* detailing the use and attributes of most objects.
- Added section *Method* demonstrating how to create custom **Method** objects.
- Condensed simulation/fitting gallery by removing redundant examples.
- New gallery demonstrating signal processing functions.
- `reduced_dict` function is deprecated, use `json(units=False)` instead.
- The `mrsimulator.signal_processing` module is renamed to `mrsimulator.signal_processor`
- Drop support for Python version 3.6
- Added Channel validation for named methods 177
- Optimized memory usage and performance of the `single_site_system_generator` utility function.
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where spectral interpolation resulted in a segmentation fault.
- Fixed memory leak issue in the C code.
- Fixed bug in query combination involving multiple quadrupolar queries. 188.
- Fixed bug related to unsigned/signed integers crashing on M1 macs.
Breaking changes
**For most users**
Mrsimulator is currently in development, and the new release includes breaking changes from v0.6.
Please review these changes and make changes according.
- The `mrsimulator.methods` module is renamed as `mrsimulator.method.lib`.
- The `mrsimulator.signal_processing` module is renamed to `mrsimulator.signal_processor`.
- The `data` attribute of `SignalProcessor.apply_operations(data=...)` is renamed to `dataset`.
Use `SignalProcessor.apply_operations(dataset=...)`
- The `transition_query` attribute of the `mrsimulator.method.SpectralEvent` class
is renamed to `transition_queries`.
- The `mrsimulator.method.query.RotationalQuery` class is renamed to
**For advanced users**
- Complete redesign of the `TransitionQuery` object. Please refer to the documentation for details.