- Now using the common 'requests' library
- The 'id' attribute of sets is now correctly retrieved from Scryfall API instead of created randomly
- Updating is now more robust taking into account certain errors that are caused by inconsistencies of the API side.
There are apparently situations where certain sets might be missing, might have wrong 'card_count' attributes or
similar things that caused request errors and crashing
- Added more tests
- Added a method to check if the local Scryfall database is consistent. It checks things like all the cards belong in
a set, no set or the full cards list has duplicate cards, etc.
- The updating methods that fetch only new card info are now deprecated. They raise a warning and just call the full
update method, so any old code is not broken
- For simplicity, the names of methods 'full_update_from_mtgio' and 'full_update_from_scryfall' have been changed to
simpler 'mtgio_update' and 'scryfall_update'. Calling the old functions will just raise a warning and call the new
functions, so any old code is not broken