This release migrates the package to a more palatable Google's Python style guide. A major modification to the package is with casing, all `camelCase` methods, functions and parameters are now `snake_case`.
In addition, docstrings and documentation has been updated to use sphinx's features of linking objects to their types. Sphinx now also documents private and special dunder methods (e.g. `__getitem__`, `__copy__` etc). Intersphinx has been updated to link to references from dependent packages.
In addition, pyscaffold has been updated to use "myst-parser" as the markdown compiler instead of rst.
As part of the pyscaffold setup, one may use pre-commits to run some of the routine tasks of linting and formatting before every commit. While this is sometimes annoying and can be ignored with `--no-verify`, it brings some consistency to the code base.