* Add support for Django 1.10 and 1.11
* Drop support for Django 1.7 and earlier, and for South migrations. If you
are using these, upgrade to 1.0.0 first, migrate your codebase to Django 1.8
and Django migrations, then update to 1.1.0.
* Move Python 2 / Python 3 and other compatibilty code to
``multigtfs/compat.py``. Exclude this file from the ``make qa`` coverage
report, unless the ``COVERAGE_COMPAT`` environment variable is set. Because
the cross-environment code is now in this file, many lines will be uncovered
in a particular environment, while other files should be 100% covered. This
file is tested in the supported environments in TravisCI, and a combined
coverage report is generated in Coveralls, where ``compat.py`` should be 100%
* Add a dockerized environment for the explore example app, and run it under
Django 1.11.
* Whitespace-only values in import files are treated as empty values
(`PR 56`_)
.. _`PR 56`: https://github.com/tulsawebdevs/django-multi-gtfs/pull/56