- General function: Compare two scanpaths (build from fixation vectors) of potentially differing size on five similarity dimensions (shape, position, length, fixation duration, angle)
- Optional: Simplify scanpath prior to similarity computation based on custom thresholds for saccadic lengths, angular relations, and fixation durations (parameters ``-amplitutde-threshold``, ``-direction-threshold``, ``-duration-threshold``)
- Optional: Read in [REMoDNaV](https://github.com/psychoinformatics-de/remodnav/) output natively (parameter ``--remodnav``), and chose whether to keep or discard any detected smooth pursuit events (parameter ``--pursuits``)
- Different options to output results in command-line usage (parameter ``--output-type``)
- Use from the command-line or in Python sessions
- Documentation with general algorithm overview, API, and example computation