* Resolved a bug related to the linking of CSS files.
* **Support for CORS header:** The `send_response_headers` method now includes the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header with a wildcard value `(*)`, allowing any origin to access the resource.
* **Additional security headers:** The `send_response_headers` method now sends several security headers, such as `X-Content-Type-Options`, `X-Frame-Options`, `X-XSS-Protection`, `Referrer-Policy`, and `Feature-Policy`.
* **Configurable server IP address:** The `MVCactusRun` class now accepts an optional host parameter to allow specifying a custom IP address instead of the default 'localhost'.
* **Simplified route decorator:** The `route` decorator in the `MVCactus` class was modified to automatically add the `'^'` at the beginning and `'$'` at the end of the URL pattern. This allows users to define routes without explicitly using regex syntax.
[Unreleased - 0.0.1-2] (Initial release)
* Initial release.