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Self time: 0.000032

count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000009 if !get(g:,'coc_workspace_initialized', 0) | return | endif
1 0.000003 if get(g:, 'coc_service_initialized', 0)
1 19.799718 0.000011 call cocrpcrequest('CocAutocmd', a:000)
call cocrpcnotify('CocAutocmd', a:000)
1 0.000001 endif

FUNCTION cocutilunplace_signs()
Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/autoload/coc/util.vim line 499
Called 3 times


Self time: 0.000025

count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000017 0.000008 if !cocrpcready()
return ''
1 0.000001 endif
1 19.799687 0.000014 return s:client['request'](a:method, a:args)

FUNCTION coc_hide()
Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/autoload/coc.vim line 94
Called 1 time


Self time: 19.799230

count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000015 0.000010 let channel = cocclientget_channel(self)
1 0.000004 if empty(channel) | return '' | endif
1 0.000001 try
1 0.000001 if s:is_vim
1 19.799549 19.799111 let res = ch_evalexpr(channel, [a:method, a:args], {'timeout': 30000})
1 0.000005 if type(res) == 1 && res == ''
throw 'timeout after 30s'
1 0.000001 endif
1 0.000003 let [l:errmsg, res] = res
1 0.000003 if !empty(l:errmsg)
throw l:errmsg
1 0.000001 else
1 0.000002 return res
return call('rpcrequest', [channel, a:method] + a:args)
catch /.*/
if v:exception =~ 'E475'
if get(g:, 'coc_vim_leaving', 0) | return | endif
echohl Error | echom '[''] server connection lost' | echohl None
let name =
call s:on_exit(name, 0)
execute 'silent do User ConnectionLost'.toupper(name[0]).name[1:]
elseif v:exception =~ 'E12'
" neovim's bug, ignore it
echohl Error | echo 'Error on request ('.a:method.'): '.v:exception | echohl None
1 0.000002 endtry

Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/autoload/coc/api.vim line 105
Called 2 times


Self time: 0.000342

count total (s) self (s)
10 0.000062 let err = v:null
10 0.000023 let res = v:null
10 0.000015 try
10 0.000391 0.000142 let res = call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args)
catch /.*/
let err = v:exception
10 0.000015 endtry
10 0.000026 return [err, res]

Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/autoload/coc/api.vim line 97
Called 8 times


Self time: 0.000028

count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000243 0.000026 call call(s:funcs[a:method], a:args)

FUNCTION <SNR>20_SyncAutocmd()
Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/plugin/coc.vim line 168
Called 1 time


Self time: 0.000113

count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000006 let res = []
4 0.000011 for [key, arglist] in a:calls
3 0.000012 let name = key[5:]
3 0.000003 try
3 0.000145 0.000041 call add(res, call(s:funcs[name], arglist))
catch /.*/
return [res, v:exception]
3 0.000004 endtry
4 0.000005 endfor
1 0.000002 return [res, v:null]

FUNCTION <SNR>23_request()
Defined: ~/.vim/plugged/coc.nvim/autoload/coc/client.vim line 105
Called 1 time

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