
Latest version: v1.1.2

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* First release on PyPI.



* First release on PyPI.

NASP Changelog

* New significantly faster matrix generator written in GO
* Support for adapter/quality trimming of reads
* SNAP aligner now works (need to add '-rf BadCigar' option to GATK when using SNAP)
* No .'s in frankenfastas
* Sample statistics modified to make all stats affected by duplicated regions
* Various bug fixes
* SolSNP and NovoAlign not enabled by default

* Fixes to nucmer: properly pass additional arguments, increase walltime and memory allocation
* Set time allocation for SLURM
* Tab autocomplete support in UI prompts
* Added filtered all position matrix
* Output multi-sample VCF files of the matrices

* Support for bowtie2 aligner
* Support for SGE job manager
* PyPI module support, setup script

* VCF files with missing headers now throw a "MalformedInputFile" error instead of hanging.
* Rewrote multithreading parameter passing algorithm to fix race condition again.
* Modified data storage algorithm to speed the matrix-building process at the cost of memory use.
* Improvements made to sample and analysis statistics, and new improved statistics file format.
* Aligner and SNP caller program name expected values are now more tolerant and open-ended.
* Insertion data no longer appears in the filtered matrix; one character per matrix cell.
* Files that fail to be read are now represented with blank matrix columns to alert the user.
* Fully Python job dispatcher and command-line UI -- all code now written in Python
* Run log is written to output folder with choices the user made in the UI and commands that were submitted to job manager
* Main nasp executable can accept an XML file with configuration parameters instead of going through UI
* XML configuration file is written to output folder on every run
* Support for SLURM job manager and specifying queues/partitions and other job manager options for both PBS and SLURM

* If there are errors during a file import, the handling thread will move on to the next file instead of dying.
* Samples will now appear in the same order in the final matrix across multiple runs.
* New builtin VCF parser that is much more efficient and custom-built for the pipeline.

* Fixed NUCmer issue where regions would appear duplicated by complicatedly mapping to themselves.
* Fasta files with unusual formatting will be standardized so as to not break downstream tools.
* An option to produce a "missing data" matrix instead of a "best SNPs" matrix was added.
* Statistics are now collected, and a global/contig stats file is now produced.

* Reference regions that did not align in an external fasta are now called 'X' instead of 'N'.
* Large VCF files no longer cause a race condition that prevents matrix generation from finishing.
* Errors during VCF import no longer prevent matrix generation from finishing.
* Errors during VCF import are now included in the error output.
* Bug in duplicate region import that caused some duplicated regions to not be marked is fixed.
* Proportion filter works.
* Strange calls in proportion filter are now handled properly.
* Strange crash when varscan calls heterozygous for deletion fixed.
* Proportion filter code is now broken up by the SNP caller it's meant to work for, since each has its own.

* Matrix generation is now in python instead of perl.
* The data import, analysis, and filtering portion of matrix generation is now multithreaded.
* Code is much cleaner, more maintainable, and now object-oriented.
* Custom matrix formats are now possible (but there is no user interface to specify the format yet).
* New python dispatcher is now included, but requires a hand-written XML file and has had limited testing.
* Statistics generation is incomplete; no statistics file is produced yet.
* Indel information is discarded; there is no indel matrix.
* The "Pattern" and "Pattern" columns are omitted.

* External genomes are no longer concatenated before import.
* Perl and python external genome importers now produce identical output.
* Added an option to give custom arguments to NUCmer during external genome import.
* Duplicate checking and external genome import are now implemented in python.
* External genome segments now only align to one place on the reference, even if they match in multiple places.
* Support for the 'SNAP' aligner has been added, but the SNP callers do not like the VCF files.

* Select portions of the pipeline now in python instead of perl.

* Various portability changes made.
* Additional statistics now included in stats file.
* Removed "read_folder" argument, now always assumes current working folder.

* External fasta files in DOS format should no longer try to align calls of "carriage return"; turns out most DNA doesn't contain carriage returns.
* Cryptic warning messages will no longer be produced when a sample had no reads that aligned to a particular reference contig/chromosome.
* Removed samtools filtering of unmapped reads and low-quality reads from bam files during alignment.
* The allvariant matrix has been split into an allsnp and an allindel matrix.
* Statistics file format changed drastically.
* Statistics file now breaks values up by both sample and contig/chromosome.
* Statistics are now broken up into two-dimensional tables instead of one statistic per line.
* Now gives an immediate error if you give it a blank or nonexistent reference, rather than 1.4 million errors after 17 hours.

* Fix for corrupt files released with broken 0.8.4 release.
* Support for more platforms, easier installation process.

* Undocumented super-secret changes (I lost the changelog for 0.8.3)...

* Added a column "SampleConsensus", which is a yes/no based on whether all analyses matched (intersection).
* Calls from VCFs and external genomes that are explicitly "N" are now considered uncalled.
* The bestsnps_matrix no longer contains columns CallWasMade, PassedDepthFilter, PassedProportionFilter.
* Modified the depth filter to not use any "incorrect" calculation methods.
* Some changes to statistics file.
* Added the requested data to the statistics file.

* Matrix format specification changes.

* Several minor bugfixes.
* Fixed a problem that would break duplicated region checking in rare conditions*.
* Fixed a bug that was omitting the last position in the all-matrix in rare conditions*.
* Made file naming improvements.
* Pipeline now makes an intersection matrix of SNP calls where every caller agrees.
* Fixed a bug that inserts an underscore randomly into bam names in rare conditions*.
* Pipeline now makes a statistics file.
* Fixed a bug where varscan would accidentally trigger kitten-killing on delete calls.
* Vastly improved support for indels.
* always

* Added support for finding duplicated regions.
* Made heading names produced from SolSNP output more understandable.
* Fixed VarScan.
* Creates a configuration log that lists options selected and commands queued.
* Fixed issue with bam indexes being created in the input folder.

* Fixed a bug where chromosome descriptions were included in the identifier.
* Fixed a bug where fasta headings were being written to the wrong snpfasta file.
* Removed a feature where Jason gets 3,000,000 bonus SNPs for his help debugging.
* Fixed a bug where inversions in external genomes were not reverse complemented.
* Fixed a bug where unpaired reads would have confusing heading names.

* Added BWA mem support, but it seems like it broke samp/se.
* Created a script for removing columns from a finished matrix.
* Created a script for combining two finished matrices.
* Created a script for removing a list of positions from a finished matrix.
* Fixed a bug where choosing to only run BWA mem would not look for fastq files.
* Added support for external genomes, but it is not well-tested.
* Changed the format of matrix sample names to be more readable.
* Questions that lead to options that may be broken are now starred.
* Choosing at least one aligner and SNP caller is no longer required.
* Changed the call made by the low-coverage filter from "X" to "N".
* Changed the call representing an uncallable position from "N" to "X".
* Fixed a bug where "T" and "U" match each other sometimes but not others.
* Fixed a bug where "A" and "a" would be considered different calls in the pattern column.
* Degeneracies are now all listed as "N" in the pattern column.
* Added a matrix column "InDupRegion" that always has the value "unchecked".
* Pipeline murders kittens if you give it files pre-aligned to disagreeing references.
* Allcallable matrix now fills fully-uncalled regions with "X", rather than skipping them.
* Memory requirements for matrix building are significantly reduced.

* Added VarScan support, but it is not well-tested.
* Fixed bam header information to not be randomly-generated ID's.
* Fixed a bug that would cause corrupt VCF files to kill the matrix step.
* Moved bam indexing to the end of the alignment step so it's only done once.
* Fixed VarScan so it wouldn't name every output "Sample1".
* Added reference line to SNP fasta output.
* Now yells at you if multiple samples have the same name, but continues.
* Doesn't print VCF file name in matrix sample names anymore.
* Sample names more reliably contain the aligner and SNP caller name.

* The matrix-building step will no longer abort or fail if an aligner or SNP caller fails.
* Creates .dict file during indexing step, to keep GATK from stepping on itself and dying.
* Changed the heading previously called "Chromosome" in the matrix file to "Contig".
* Changed default CPU/RAM/walltime requests to be more optimal for clusters.

* Now outputs matrices in the new matrix format.
* Choosing advanced options for aligners and SNP callers actually gives you options!
* What I assume are John's suggested options for GATK are on by default.
* Does reference indexing in an output subfolder, not in some arbitrary folder.
* Pattern numbers don't skip to match the allcallable file anymore.
* Outputs matrices in fasta format as well as matrix format.

Initial Release:
* Can use BWA and Novoalign.
* Can use GATK and SolSNP.
* Can include pre-aligned bam files, and pre-called vcf files.
* Uses allcallable, and does not have problems with incorrect reference calls.
* Understands and properly handles multiple contigs/chromosomes in one reference.
* Correctly handles degenerate bases.
* Handles indels gracefully (but not necessarily correctly)...
* Automatically pairs your read files, if you have paired reads.



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