1. Add quiet mode with `--quiet`.
1. Create `NCBImetaAnnotate` that consolidates `NCBImetaAnnotateReplace` and `NCBImetaAnnotateConcatenate`.
1. Add configs `yersinia_pestis`, `mammuthus`, `hmp_oral`, `ncov_canada`.
1. Remove `sphinx` related dev dependencies.
* [089858ee]( include notes in CHANGELOG
* [c1a4b2a1]( update notes
* [aed461b8]( update CHANGELOG
* [d040d1ce]( update README and CHANGELOG
* [79a35353]( re add autolots as submodule
* [e1712b86]( remove autologs
* [372589b2]( change config outputs to database dir
* [38869cbc]( add bioproject and sra to ncov_canada
* [c29cab00]( update help documentation
* [653fe168]( add quiet mode
* [b11ed919]( add execute permissions to new annotate script
* [72d4b870]( add ncov canada config
* [f2b54b21]( adjust test workflow for renamed annotate
* [f4a9bd65]( fix code block in README
* [741185b1]( new configs for hmp_oral and yersinia_pestis
* [e4efa58f]( remove wheel and sphinx related from setup
* [bdd193f3]( remove wheel and sphinx related dependencies
* [58c162b5]( adjust wheel pos in requirements
* [14fedacd]( try adding wheel to requirements
* [07f4bb2c]( adjust workflows for new example and annotation
* [2e24ec28]( consolidate the annotation tool to a single file
* [be0d6036]( update install channels in build
* [31ce01ac]( update install instructions
* [ae039b34]( add png versions of paper figures
* [2706b1a8]( relax dependencies
* [07bde416]( try to limit codecov to os and python
* [55ec78d0]( remove the executable suffix in pypi testing