
Latest version: v1.0.0

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* New default behavior: **force-directed-cl** layout is now applied on
networks via py4cytoscape library and a running instance of Cytoscape.
Alternate Cytoscape layouts and the networkx "spring" layout can be
run by setting appropriate value via the new **--layout** flag



* Updated default ``--biogridversion`` version to ``4.2.191``

* All generated networks get networkx spring layout added by default

* Added tqdm progress bar support. Set ``--noprogressbar`` flag to disable

* Added --skipupload flag to skip the upload to NDEx step

* Added logic to retry failed upload of network to NDEx.
``--maxretries`` and ``--retry_sleep`` allow caller to control

* Added ``--organismfile`` and ``--chemicalsfile`` to let caller override



* Updated default ``--biogridversion`` version to ``3.5.187``

* Modified organism_list file to include 3 strains of
coronavirus (SARS-1, SARS-2 and MERS)

* Modified organism_style file to add an orange border
to all viral protein nodes. This change affects all the
both new and already existing viral organisms.


Fixed a bug where networkType used to be a string, now it is a list of strings and we specify 'list_of_string'
type when setting networkType attribute with network.set_network_attribute("networkType", networkType, 'list_of_string').
This results in correct representation of networkType in CX model, for example:


In organism_load_plan.json, changed types of edge columns
"Experimental System Type" and "Throughput" to be "list_of_string",
and "Score" to be "list_of_double".
This change resolves UD-761 Biogrid network can't be imported to Cytoscape.


* First release on PyPI.



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