* Updated URL paths to data files because they moved on STRING server
* Set default STRING version to ``12.0``
* Version of STRING data used is now appended to the network name.
* Updated default network description and default style template file
* Fixed bug where ``--stringversion`` was being ignored when downloading data files
* Set default version to ``11.5``
* Fixed bug where ``version`` network attribute was not being updated with value of ``--stringversion``
* Changed URL to `human.entrez_2_string.2018.tsv.gz` cause it moved on STRING server
* ``--cutoffscore`` parameter can now take multiple values and a network for each value will be generated and uploaded to NDEx. The default is set to generate a network with all edges (0.0 --cutoffscore) and a network with edges 0.7 and above
* New default behavior: **force-directed-cl** layout is now applied on networks via py4cytoscape library and a running instance of Cytoscape. Alternate Cytoscape layouts and the networkx "spring" layout can be run by setting appropriate value via the new **--layout** flag
* Added ``--skipupload`` that lets caller skip upload of network to NDEx
* Spring layout applied by default for all networks that have less then 2,000,000 edges. This can be overridden with new flag ``--layoutedgecutoff``
------------------ * Fixed defect UD-462 Verify new network attributes are correctly set in ndexstringloader (https://ndexbio.atlassian.net/browse/UD-462).
------------------ * If user loads the entire STRING network (i.e., runs the script with --cutoffscore 0), the name of the resulting netwpork should be "STRING - Human Protein Links", not "STRING - Human Protein Links - High Confidence".