This marks a stable release of Hydra as it was originally intended to be implemented. The core design of Hydra is currently being worked on. While this implementation is 'working', we have many goals (which in future will be outlined here) for Hydra to accomplish and are thrilled to share them with everyone within this repository. Nevertheless if there is any additional errors, please report them.
* Hydra was updated to use newer API found in latest versions of it's required packages. This means Hydra requires the latest version of all package requirements.
* Hydra now does not import unused libraries in all files.
* When you run a Hydra node, there is now way less clutter in terms of logging. This is still an issue, but less of one now. Further improvements require updates to ``ndn-python-repo``
* Insert / Delete Prefix Registration is Fixed (thanks! pulsejet)
* An issue with Fetching is now fixed.
Note, This release was full tested for verification and quality purposes. All functions worked as intended with no issues found.