**New features**
- User defined data types can now define how arrays with that dtype are constructed by implementing the ``make_array`` function.
- User defined data types can now define how they are indexed (via ``__getitem__``) by implementing the ``getitem`` function.
- :class:`ndonnx.NullableCore` is now public, encapsulating nullable variants of `CoreType`s exported by ndonnx.
**Bug fixes**
- Various operations that depend on the array's shape have been updated to work correctly with lazy arrays.
- :func:`ndonnx.cumulative_sum` now correctly applies the ``include_initial`` parameter and works around missing onnxruntime kernels for unsigned integral types.
- :func:`ndonnx.additional.make_nullable` applies broadcasting to the provided null array (instead of reshape like it did previously). This allows writing ``make_nullable(x, False)`` to turn an array into nullable.
- User-defined data types that implement :class:`ndonnx._core.UniformShapeOperations` may now implement :func:`ndonnx.where` without requiring both data types be promotable.
**Breaking change**
- Iterating over dynamic dimensions of :class:`~ndonnx.Array` is no longer allowed since it commonly lead to infinite loops when used without an explicit break condition.