
Latest version: v24.4

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* ``CRUDView`` subclasses may now pass a set of ``roles`` to ``get_urls()`` in
order to route only a subset of all the available CRUD roles.

As an example, to route only the list and detail views, the README/Quickstart example
would become::

from neapolitan.views import CRUDView, Role
from .models import Bookmark

class BookmarkView(CRUDView):
model = Bookmark
fields = ["url", "title", "note"]
filterset_fields = [

urlpatterns = [
*BookmarkView.get_urls(roles={Role.LIST, Role.DETAIL}),

In order to keep this logic within the view here, you would likely override
``get_urls()`` in this case, rather than calling it from the outside in your
URL configuration.

* As well as setting the existing ``lookup_field`` (which defaults to ``"pk"``)
and ``lookup_url_kwarg`` (which defaults to ``lookup_field`` if not set) you
may now set ``path_converter`` and ``url_base`` attributes on your
``CRUDView`` subclass in order to customise URL generation.

For example, for this model and ``CRUDView``::

class NamedCollection(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=25, unique=True)
code = models.UUIDField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4)

class NamedCollectionView(CRUDView):
model = NamedCollection
fields = ["name", "code"]

lookup_field = "code"
path_converter = "uuid"
url_base = "named-collections"

``CRUDView`` will generate URLs such as ``/named-collections/``,
``/named-collections/<uuid:code>/``, and so on. URL patterns will be named
using ``url_base``: "named-collections-list", "named-collections-detail", and
so on.

Thanks to Kasun Herath for preliminary discussion and exploration here.

* BREAKING CHANGE. In order to facilitate the above the ``object_list``
template tag now takes the whole ``view`` from the context, rather than just
the ``view.fields``.

If you've overridden the ``object_list.html`` template and are still using
the ``object_list`` template tag, you will need to update your usage to be
like this:

.. code-block:: html+django

{% object_list object_list view %}

* Improved app folder discovery in mktemplate command.

Thanks to Andrew Miller.



* Added the used ``filterset`` to list-view context.

* Added CI testing for supported Python and Django versions. (Python 3.10
onwards; Django 4.2 onwards, including the development branch.)

Thanks to Josh Thomas.

* Added CI build for the documentation.

Thanks to Eduardo Enriquez



* Added the ``mktemplate`` management command to create an override template from the
the active default templates for the specified model and CRUD action.

See ``./ mktemplate --help`` for full details.



* Fixed an incorrect type annotation, that led to incorrect IDE warnings.



* Adjusted object form template for multipart forms.



* Added a ``{{ delete_view_url}}`` context variable for the form action to the
``object_confirm_delete.html`` template.
* Added basic styling and docs for the ``object_confirm_delete.html`` template.

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