
Latest version: v0.0.2

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Nepali Tokenizers

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This package provides access to pre-trained __WordPiece__ and __SentencePiece__ (Unigram) tokenizers for Nepali language, trained using HuggingFace's `tokenizers` library. It is a simple and short Python package tailored specifically for Nepali language with a default set of configurations for the normalizer, pre-tokenizer, post-processor, and decoder.

It delegates further customization by providing an interface to HuggingFace's `Tokenizer` pipeline, allowing users to adapt the tokenizers according to their requirements.


You can install `nepalitokenizers` using pip:

pip install nepalitokenizers


After installing the package, you can use the tokenizers in your Python code:

WordPiece Tokenizer

from nepalitokenizers import WordPiece

text = "हाम्रा सबै क्रियाकलापहरु भोलिवादी छन् । मेरो पानीजहाज वाम माछाले भरिपूर्ण छ । इन्जिनियरहरुले गएको हप्ता राजधानीमा त्यस्तै बहस गरे ।"

tokenizer_wp = WordPiece()

tokens = tokenizer_wp.encode(text)



[1, 11366, 8625, 14157, 8423, 13344, 9143, 8425, 1496, 9505, 22406, 11693, 12679, 8340, 27445, 1430, 1496, 13890, 9008, 9605, 13591, 14547, 9957, 12507, 8700, 1496, 2]
['[CLS]', 'हाम्रा', 'सबै', 'क्रियाकलाप', 'हरु', 'भोलि', 'वादी', 'छन्', '।', 'मेरो', 'पानीजहाज', 'वाम', 'माछा', 'ले', 'भरिपूर्ण', 'छ', '।', 'इन्जिनियर', 'हरुले', 'गएको', 'हप्ता', 'राजधानीमा', 'त्यस्तै', 'बहस', 'गरे', '।', '[SEP]']
हाम्रा सबै क्रियाकलापहरु भोलिवादी छन् । मेरो पानीजहाज वाम माछाले भरिपूर्ण छ । इन्जिनियरहरुले गएको हप्ता राजधानीमा त्यस्तै बहस गरे ।

SentencePiece (Unigram) Tokenizer

from nepalitokenizers import SentencePiece

text = "कोभिड महामारीको पिडाबाट मुक्त नहुँदै मानव समाजलाई यतिबेला युद्धको विध्वंसकारी क्षतिको चिन्ताले चिन्तित बनाएको छ ।"

tokenizer_sp = SentencePiece()

tokens = tokenizer_sp.encode(text)



[7, 9, 3241, 483, 12081, 9, 11079, 23, 2567, 11254, 1002, 789, 20, 3334, 2161, 9, 23517, 2711, 1115, 9, 1718, 12, 5941, 781, 19, 8, 1, 0]
['▁', 'को', 'भि', 'ड', '▁महामारी', 'को', '▁पिडा', 'बाट', '▁मुक्त', '▁नहुँदै', '▁मानव', '▁समाज', 'लाई', '▁यतिबेला', '▁युद्ध', 'को', '▁विध्वंस', 'कारी', '▁क्षति', 'को', '▁चिन्ता', 'ले', '▁चिन्तित', '▁बनाएको', '▁छ', '▁।', '<sep>', '<cls>']
कोभिड महामारीको पिडाबाट मुक्त नहुँदै मानव समाजलाई यतिबेला युद्धको विध्वंसकारी क्षतिको चिन्ताले चिन्तित बनाएको छ ।

Configuration & Customization

Each tokenizer class has a default and standard set of configurations for the normalizer, pre-tokenizer, post-processor, and decoder. For more information, look at the training files available in the [`train/`](train/) directory.

The package delegates further customization by providing an interface to directly access to HuggingFace's tokenizer pipeline. Therefore, you can treat `nepalitokenizers`'s tokenizer instances as HuggingFace's `Tokenizer` objects. For example:

from nepalitokenizers import WordPiece

importing from the HuggingFace tokenizers package
from tokenizers.processors import TemplateProcessing

text = "हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल हो"

tokenizer_sp = WordPiece()

using default post processor
tokens = tokenizer_sp.encode(text)

change the post processor to not add any special tokens
treat tokenizer_sp as HuggingFace's Tokenizer object
tokenizer_sp.post_processor = TemplateProcessing()

tokens = tokenizer_sp.encode(text)


['[CLS]', 'हाम्रो', 'मातृ', 'भूमि', 'नेपाल', 'हो', '[SEP]']
['हाम्रो', 'मातृ', 'भूमि', 'नेपाल', 'हो']

To learn more about further customizations that can be performed, visit [HuggingFace's Tokenizer Documentation](

> **Note**: The delegation to HuggingFace's Tokenizer pipeline was done with the following generic wrapper class because `tokenizers.Tokenizer` is not an acceptable base type for inheritance.
> It is a useful trick I use for solving similar issues:
> python
> class Delegate:
> """
> A generic wrapper class that delegates attributes and method calls
> to the specified self.delegate instance.
> """
> property
> def _items(self):
> return dir(self.delegate)
> def __getattr__(self, name):
> if name in self._items:
> return getattr(self.delegate, name)
> raise AttributeError(
> f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'")
> def __setattr__(self, name, value):
> if name == "delegate" or name not in self._items:
> super().__setattr__(name, value)
> else:
> setattr(self.delegate, name, value)
> def __dir__(self):
> return dir(type(self)) + list(self.__dict__.keys()) + self._items


The python files used to train the tokenizers are available in the [`train/`](train/) directory. You can also use these files to train your own tokenizers on a custom text corpus.

These tokenizers were trained on two datasets:

1. The Nepali Subset of the [OSCAR]( dataset

You can download it using the following code:

import datasets
from import tqdm
import os

dataset = datasets.load_dataset(
'oscar', 'unshuffled_deduplicated_ne',


batch = []
counter = 0

for sample in tqdm(dataset):
sample = sample['text'].replace('\n', ' ')

if len(batch) == 10_000:
with open(f'data/ne_{counter}.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
batch = []
counter += 1

2. A Large Scale Nepali Text Corpus by Rabindra Lamsal (2020)
To download the dataset, follow the instructions provided in this link: [A Large Scale Nepali Text Corpus](


This package is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, which is consistent with the license used by HuggingFace's `tokenizers` library. Please see the [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file for more details.



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