
Latest version: v0.5.6

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- sklearn dependency removed
- `nequip-benchmark` and `nequip-train` report number of weights and number of trainable weights
- `nequip-benchmark --no-compile` and `--verbose` and `--memory-summary`
- `nequip-benchmark --pdb` for debugging model (builder) errors
- More information in `nequip-deploy info`

- Minimum e3nn is now 0.4.4
- `--equivariance-test` now prints much more information, especially when there is a failure

- Git utilities when installed as ZIPed `.egg` (264)


- BETA! Support for stress in training and inference
- `EMTTestDataset` for quick synthetic fake PBC data
- multiprocessing for ASE dataset loading/processing
- `nequip-benchmark` times dataset loading, model creation, and compilation
- `validation_batch_size`
- support multiple metrics on same field with different `functional`s
- allow custom metrics names
- allow `e3nn==0.5.0`
- `--verbose` option to `nequip-deploy`
- print data statistics in `nequip-benchmark`
- `normalized_sum` reduction in `AtomwiseReduce`

- abbreviate `node_features`->`h` in loss titles
- failure of permutation equivariance tests no longer short-circuts o3 equivariance tests
- `NequIPCalculator` now stores all relevant properties computed by the model regardless of requested `properties`, and does not try to access those not computed by the model, allowing models that only compute energy or forces but not both

- Equivariance testing correctly handles output cells
- Equivariance testing correctly handles one-node or one-edge data
- `report_init_validation` now runs on validation set instead of training set
- crash when unable to find `os.sched_getaffinity` on some systems
- don't incorrectly log per-species scales/shifts when loading model (such as for deployment)
- `nequip-benchmark` now picks data frames deterministically
- useful error message for `metrics_key: training_*` with `report_init_validation: True` (213)


- `NequIPCalculator` now handles per-atom energies
- Added `initial_model_state_strict` YAML option
- `load_model_state` builder
- fusion strategy support
- `cumulative_wall` for early stopping
- Deploy model from YAML file directly

- Disallow PyTorch 1.9, which has some JIT bugs.
- `nequip-deploy build` now requires `--train-dir` option when specifying the training session
- Minimum Python version is now 3.7

- Better error in `Dataset.statistics` when field is missing
- `NequIPCalculator` now outputs energy as scalar rather than `(1, 1)` array
- `dataset: ase` now treats automatically adds `key_mapping` keys to `include_keys`, which is consistant with the npz dataset
- fixed reloading models with `per_species_rescale_scales/shifts` set to `null`/`None`
- graceful exit for `-n 0` in `nequip-benchmark`
- Strictly correct CSV headers for metrics (198)


- `nequip-evaluate --repeat` option
- Report number of weights to wandb

- defaults and commments in example.yaml and full.yaml, in particular longer default training and correct comment for E:F-weighting
- better metrics config in example.yaml and full.yaml, in particular will total F-MAE/F-RMSE instead of mean over per-species
- default value for `report_init_validation` is now `True`
- `all_*_*` metrics rename to -> `psavg_*_*`
- `avg_num_neighbors` default `None` -> `auto`

- error if both per-species and global shift are used together


- Model builders may now process only the configuration
- Allow irreps to optionally be specified through the simplified keys `l_max`, `parity`, and `num_features`
- `` via `wandb_watch` option
- Allow polynomial cutoff _p_ values besides 6.0
- `nequip-evaluate` now sets a default `r_max` taken from the model for the dataset config
- Support multiple rescale layers in trainer
- `AtomicData.to_ase` supports arbitrary fields
- `nequip-evaluate` can now output arbitrary fields to an XYZ file
- `nequip-evaluate` reports which frame in the original dataset was used as input for each output frame

- `minimal.yaml`, `minimal_eng.yaml`, and `example.yaml` now use the simplified irreps options `l_max`, `parity`, and `num_features`
- Default value for `resnet` is now `False`

- Handle one of `per_species_shifts`/`scales` being `null` when the other is a dataset statistc
- `include_frames` now works with ASE datasets
- no training data labels in input_data
- Average number of neighbors no longer crashes sometimes when not all nodes have neighbors (small cutoffs)
- Handle field registrations correctly in `nequip-evaluate`

- `compile_model`


- `NequIPCalculator` can now be built via a `nequip_calculator()` function. This adds a minimal compatibility with [vibes](
- Added `avg_num_neighbors: auto` option
- Asynchronous IO: during training, models are written asynchronously. Enable this with environment variable `NEQUIP_ASYNC_IO=true`.
- `dataset_seed` to separately control randomness used to select training data (and their order).
- The types may now be specified with a simpler `chemical_symbols` option
- Equivariance testing reports per-field errors
- `--equivariance-test n` tests equivariance on `n` frames from the training dataset

- All fields now have consistant [N, dim] shaping
- Changed default `seed` and `dataset_seed` in example YAMLs
- Equivariance testing can only use training frames now

- Equivariance testing no longer unintentionally skips translation
- Correct cat dim for all registered per-graph fields
- `PerSpeciesScaleShift` now correctly outputs when scales, but not shifts, are enabled— previously it was broken and would only output updated values when both were enabled.
- `nequip-evaluate` outputs correct species to the `extxyz` file when a chemical symbol <-> type mapping exists for the test dataset

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