* Python `3.7` is now supported
* `ElementCollection` now supports negative slicing
* Fixed `ElementCollection` slice for python3
* Deprecated using `present` or `visible` to determine if an element is stale
* New functionality and presets were added to the `Elementflash` method.
* The preset option is now the first argument to the method instead of color, so update accordingly.
* There is an attempt at backwards compatibility but it will be removed soon
* Fix bug preventing text_field from waiting until present
* Fix bug allowing `StaleElementReferenceException` during element location
* Add support for Wait methods to receive closures as message values
* Add support to ignore specific warnings logged by Nerodia
* Deprecate locating elements by ordered parameters
* Changed scope for locator namespacing
* Deprecate current implementation of `visible?`
* Update logic `wait_while_present` and `wait_until_not_present`
* Deprecate `wait_while_present` and `wait_until_not_present` for non-Element classes