
Latest version: v0.5.1

Safety actively analyzes 622315 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Remove dependency on netifaces
* Improve errors when attempting to sniff on unknown interfaces



* Updated required Python version from 3.6 to 3.7
* Tweaks to get things mostly working out-of-the-box on Windows
* Tweaks to async handling (this likely requires a full modernization overhaul)
* Have ``DNSLookupChef`` quietly ignore DNS packets without a ``qd`` field
* Have ``nd-sniff`` produce some startup initialization output
* Documentation tweaks
* Updated websockets and scapy to latest versions



Updates to dependencies

* Changed to websockets v7 to fix security warnings
* Switched to main scapy package now that it supports python 3
* Updated docs to explain that nd-sniff might need to be run as root


Not secure

* Reverting README back to rst from markdown (to support pypi)


Not secure

* Now requires Python 3.6 or higher
* Updates to get documentation to build on readthedocs


Not secure

This release introduces breaking changes.

* Renamed CLI tools
* ``nd-shifty`` is now ``nd-hub``
* ``nd-snifty`` is now ``nd-sniff``
* ``nd-printer`` is now ``nd-print``
* ``nd-info`` is now ``nd-hubdetails``
* ``nd-status`` is now ``nd-hubstatus``
* Changed behavior of commandline tools (new and changed flags, colorized
* DumplingChefs now ``return`` dumpling payloads from their packet and interval
handlers rather than calling ``send_dumpling()``
* The ``--chef-module`` flag to ``nd-sniff`` now supports standalone Python
* The ``DumplingEater.on_dumpling()`` handler is now passed a ``Dumpling``
instance not a dumpling dict.
* The Dumpling class now has a ``from_json()`` factory method for creating a
Dumpling instance from a JSON-serialized dumpling
* DumplingKitchens now take care of creating and sending Dumplings created from
the DumplingChef handler payloads
* Changed default sniffer filter to ``‘tcp or udp or arp’`` to meet the needs
of the sample chefs
* Changed dumpling ``creation_time`` from float microseconds to float
* DumplingEater’s ``chefs`` parameter renamed to ``chef_filter``
* Changed SystemStatus dumpling payload:
* ``”total_dumplings_sent”`` renamed to ``“total_dumplings_out”``
* added ``”total_dumplings_in”``
* ``”info_from_shifty”`` (under ``”dumpling_eaters”`` and
``”dumpling_kitchens”``) renamed to ``”info_from_hub”``
* Renamed InvalidDumplingError to InvalidDumpling and added
InvalidDumplingPayload exception
* Removed ``commandline_helper()`` from DumplingEater (no longer useful after
the migration to ``click``)
* Removed ability to configure kitchens and chefs with an external config file
(it added unnecessary complexity)
* Simplified logging support
* Allowed for logging config JSON to be overridden with the
``NETDUMPLINGS_LOGGING_CONFIG`` environment variable
* Changed logging timestamps to GMT, ``YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss``
* Added a ``__repr__()`` to classes
* Replaced ``argparse`` with ``click`` for commandline argument parsing
* Added developer dependencies: ``flake8`` for linting and ``pytest`` for tests
* Added unit tests
* Added type hints
* Updated documentation

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