
Latest version: v0.2.0

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New Features:

- Add activation and dropout layer in FC by `illian01` in [PR 325](, [PR 327](
- Add function to Resize: Match longer side with input size and keep ratio by `illian01` in [PR 329](
- Add transforms: MosaicDetection by `illian01` in [PR 331](, [PR 337](, [PR 397](
- Add transform: HSVJitter by `illian01` in [PR 336](, [PR 413](
- Add transforms: RandomResize by `illian01` in [PR 341](, [PR 344](, [PR 398](
- Add model EMA (Exponential Moving Average) by `illian01` in [PR 348](
- Add entry point for evaluation and inference by `illian01` in [PR 374](, [PR 379](, [PR 381](, [PR 383](
- Add classification visulizer by `illian01` in [PR 384](
- Add dataset caching feature by `illian01` in [PR 391](
- Add mixed precision training by `illian01` in [PR 392](
- Add YOLOX l1 loss activation option by `illian01` in [PR 396](
- Add NetsPresso Trainer YOLOX pretrained weights by `illian01` in [PR 406](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix output_root_dir from fixed string to config value by `illian01` in [PR 323](
- Gather predicted results before compute metric and fix additional distributed evaluation inaccurate error by `illian01` in [PR 346](, [PR 356](
- Fix detection score return by `illian01` in [PR 373](
- Fix memory leak from onnx export by `illian01` in [PR 386](, [PR 394](
- Refactoring metric modules and fix inaccurate metric bug by `illian01` in [PR 402](

Breaking Changes:

- Simplify augmentation configuration hierarchy by `illian01` in [PR 322](
- Add pose estimation task and RTMPose model by `illian01` in [PR 357](, [PR 366](
- Remove pythonic config and move training initialization functions to `` by `illian01` in [PR 371](
- Unify gradio demo in one page by `deepkyu` in [PR 408](

Other Changes:

- Refactoring: Move custom transforms to each python module by `illian01` in [PR 332](
- Update Pad transform to receive target size of image by `illian01` in [PR 334](
- Rafactoring: Fix to make transform object in init by `illian01` in [PR 339](
- ~~Add before_epoch step which does update modules like dataloader before epoch training by `illian01` in [PR 340](
- Revert [PR 340]( and add multiprocessing.Value to handle MosaicDetection and RandomResize by `illian01` in [PR 345](
- Enable adjust max epoch of scheduler by `illian01` in [PR 350](
- Remove github action about hugging face space demo by `illian01` in [PR 351](
- Update docs by `illian01` in [PR 355](, [PR 410](
- Backbone task compatibility checking refactoring by `illian01` in [PR 361](, [PR 364](
- Fix postprocessor return type as numpy.ndarray by `illian01` in [PR 365](
- Update default asignees of issue template by `illian01` in [PR 375](
- Refactoring: Remove CSV logger, change logger module input format by `illian01` in [PR 377](
- Change ClassficationDataSampler logic by `illian01` in [PR 382](
- Add YOLOX weights initialization step by `illian01` in [PR 393](
- Minor update: detection postprocessor, dataset, and padding strategy by `illian01` in [PR 395](
- Specify input size for onnx export and remove augmentation.img_size by `illian01` in [PR 399](
- Update issue and pr template by `illian01` in [PR 401](
- Add documentation auto deploy action by `illian01` in [PR 405](


New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

- Remove union of int and list by `illian01` in [PR 317](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Other Changes:

No changes to highlight.


New Features:

- Enable customizing inference transform by `illian01` in [PR 304](
- Add transform function: CenterCrop by `illian01` in [PR 308](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix automatic PIDNet weights download bug by `illian01` in [PR 306](
- Resize default value to list by `illian01` in [PR 315](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Other Changes:

- Update model caching directory and checkpoint configuration by `deepkyu` in [PR 299](, [PR 312](
- Minor docs update by `illian01` in [PR 300](
- Update software development stage by `illian01` in [PR 301](
- Fix size param of Resize to receive int or list by `illian01` in [PR 310](
- Modify PIDNet conv bias, add head_list property on models by `illian01` in [PR 311](


New Features:

- Construct head by config file by `illian01` in [PR 237](
- Construct neck by config file by `illian01` in [PR 249](
- Add model: RetinaNet by `illian01` in [PR 257](
- Select `gpus` with `environment` configuration by `deepkyu` in [PR 269](
- Return logging directory path and fix training interfaces by `deepkyu` in [PR 271](
- Add transform: AutoAugment by `illian01` in [PR 281](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix attribute error on fc by `illian01` in [PR 252](
- Restore file export for stream log by `deepkyu` in [PR 255](
- Fix CSV logging, configuration error, and misused loggings by `deepkyu` in [PR 259](
- Fix minor bug in by `illian01` in [PR 277](
- Fix local classification dataset loader error by `illian01` in [PR 279](
- Fix safetensors file overwriting bug by `illian01` in [PR 289](
- Fix error on full model load by `illian01` in [PR 295](

Breaking Changes:

- Provide pytorch state dict with `.safetensors` and training summary with `.json` for a better utilization by `deepkyu` in [PR 262](

Other Changes:

- Refactoring for detection models by `illian01` in [PR 260](
- Equalize logging format with `PyNetsPresso` by `deepkyu` in [PR 263](
- Refactoring for clean docs by `illian01` in [PR 265](, [PR 266](, [PR 272](, [PR 273](, [PR 274](, [PR 284](
- Update docs up-to-date by `illian01` in [PR 278](
- Refactoring model building code and move TASK_MODEL_DICT by `illian01` in [PR 282](
- Add eps param on RMSprop by `illian01` in [PR 285](
- Fix weights loading logic by `illian01` in [PR 287](, [PR 290](
- Change pretrained checkpoint name convention and update weight path and url by `illian01` in [PR 291](
- Move seed field to environment config by `illian01` in [PR 292](
- Move ResNet and Fc implementation code to core directory by `illian01` in [PR 294](


New Features:

- Add a gpu option in `train_with_config` (only single-GPU supported) by `deepkyu` in [PR 219](
- Support augmentation for classification task: cutmix, mixup by `illian01` in [PR 221](
- Add model: MixNet by `illian01` in [PR 229](
- Add `` to get the exact nickname of the model by `deepkyu` in [PR 243](
- Add transforms: RandomErasing and TrivialAugmentationWide by `illian01` in [PR 246](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix PIDNet model dataclass task field by `illian01` in [PR 220](
- Fix default criterion value of classification `illian01` in [PR 238](
- Fix model access of 2-stage detection pipeline to compat with distributed environment by `illian` in [PR 239](

Breaking Changes:

- Enable dataset augmentation customizing by `illian01` in [PR 201](
- Add postprocessor module by `illian01` in [PR 223](
- Equalize the model backbone configuration format by `illian01` in [PR 228](
- Separate FPN and PAFPN as neck module by `illian01` in [PR 234](
- Auto-download pretrained checkpoint from AWS S3 by `deepkyu` in [PR 244](

Other Changes:

- Update ruff rule (`W`) by `deepkyu` in [PR 218](
- Integrate classification loss modules by `illian01` in [PR 226](


New Features:

- Add YOLOX model by `illian01` in [PR 195](, [PR 212](
- Fix Faster R-CNN detection head to compat with PyNP compressor by `illian01` in [PR 184](, [PR 194](, [PR 204](
- Support multi-GPU training with `netspresso-train` entrypoint by `deepkyu`, `illian01` and `Only-bottle` in [PR 213](

Bug Fixes:

- Remove fx training flag in entry point by `illian01` in [PR 188](
- Fix bounding box coordinates computing error on random flip augmentation by `illian01` in [PR 211](

Breaking Changes:

- Release NetsPresso Trainer colab tutorial `illian01` in [PR 191](
- Support training with python-level config by `deepkyu` in [PR 205](

Other Changes:

- Refactoring models/op module by `illian01` in [PR 189](, [PR 190](
- Parameterize activation function of BasicBlock and Bottleneck by `illian01` in [PR193](
- Modify MobileNetV3 to stage format and remove forward hook by `illian01` in [PR 199](
- Substitute MACs counter with `fvcore` library to sync with NetsPresso by `deepkyu` and `Only-bottle` in [PR 202](
- Enable to compute metric with all training samples by `illian01` in [PR 210](

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