
Latest version: v1.6.0

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What's Changed 🚀

✨ Features

* 238 Add ARDUINO\_NICLA\_VISION (239) cbpark-nota
* 236 Fix unique output\_dir path (237) Only-bottle
* 231 Add get\_inference\_specs \& inference function (234) Only-bottle
* 230 Add get\_trt\_engine\_specs \& gen\_trt\_engine function (233) Only-bottle
* 227 Add get\_retrain\_specs \& retrain function (229) Only-bottle
* 226 Add get\_prune\_specs \& prune function (228) Only-bottle
* 223 Add automl training with bayesian \& hyperband (225) Only-bottle

🐛 Bug Fixes

* 240 Update for docker run command. (241) cbpark-nota

🙈 Other changes

* Bump version(v1.6.0) (242) Only-bottle

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed 🚀

✨ Features

* 219 Add NXP\_iMX93 (222) cbpark-nota

🙈 Other changes

* Bump version(v1.5.0) (224) Only-bottle

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed 🚀

✨ Features

* 214 Improve the TAO trainer interface (220) Only-bottle
* 212 Add create unique folder function (213) Only-bottle
* 210 Change the scope of the ylim (211) Only-bottle
* 207 Added plot for profile result by step\_size \& compression\_ratio (208) Only-bottle
* 202 Add the ability to monitor job status (203) Only-bottle
* 199 Change default value of step\_size from 8 to 2 (201) Only-bottle
* 198 Add a function to plot the training result(metric \& loss) (200) Only-bottle
* 196 Add create output\_dir when downloading artifacts (197) Only-bottle
* 194 Add the ability to download artifacts for a job (195) Only-bottle
* 186 Add action related feature(train, evaluate, export) (193) Only-bottle
* 190 Add step\_size, step\_op, reverse option for pruning (191) Only-bottle
* 185 Add experiment related feature (192) Only-bottle
* 188 Fix data related feature (189) Only-bottle
* 184 Add dataset related feature (187) Only-bottle
* 180 Add TAO API Client (183) Only-bottle

🐛 Bug Fixes

* 217 Reassign reissued tokens (218) Only-bottle
* 205 Fix user\_id \& header parameter of get\_experiment\_job (206) Only-bottle

🙈 Other changes

* Bump version(v1.4.0) (221) Only-bottle

**Full Changelog**:


Release note would be included in v1.4.0.


Release note would be included in v1.4.0.


Release note would be included in v1.4.0.

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