
Latest version: v1.9.6

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Changes in this Release:
* Bug fix: "Recursion limit exceeded" error when reading a json with a list of strings


Changes in this Release:
* Two more queries, `interferes` and `pairwiseInterferes`, can now benefit from optimized mode (run with `-opt=true`).
* Bug fix: rarely, some diffs were not reported by `semanticDiff` query
* Bug fix: Issue 569 - some warnings printed to `stdout` instead of `stderr`
* Bug fix: Issue 573 - crash when hitting an illegal JSON file


Changes in this Release:
* Two more queries, `equivalence` and `permits`, can now benefit from optimized mode (run with `-opt=true`).
* Fixed Issue 557: The `exportTo` field in VirtualService should be an array, not a string


Changes in this Release:
* Many improvements to the generated graphviz-based graph:
* Endpoints sharing the same connectivity and the same namespace are grouped together to reduce the total number of edges.
* If the graph contains a large-enough set of endpoints, in which each pair of endpoints is connected in exactly the same way, a Clique node will be created, and all endpoints in the set will connect to this (meta-)node. This also reduces the total number of edges
* If the graph contains two large-enough sets of endpoints A and B, where the allowed connectivity from any endpoint in A to any endpoint in B is the same, a Bi-Clique node will be created, and every endpoint in A will connect to this (meta-)node, and the Bi-Clique will connect to every node in B.
* Labels on edges are shortened, and a legend explains what each shortening means.
* Explainability: A new flag, `--explain`, appends to connectivity reports the exact set of resources that take part in setting the allowed connectivity between endpoints. Such explanation can be provided for the connectivity between a given set of endpoint, e.g., `--explain default/Pod1[Pod],ns2/deployment-D[Deployment]` or between every pair of endpoints by specifying `--explain ALL`.
* Istio traffic management: Supporting ServiceEntries as hosts in the spec of Sidecar egress.
* Improved performance via a new data-structure. This is currently under a feature flag: `-opt=true`.
* Graphviz added to docker images
* Various bug fixes


Changes in this Release:
* Reporting much simpler regular expressions in connectivity reports and in connectivity-diff reports
* Adding the `jpeg` format to the list of allowed formats for connectivity reports (when using the `--output_format` command-line flag or the `outputConfiguration.outputFormat` scheme object). This will automatically convert a `dot` graph to a jpeg image file. Requires GraphViz to be preinstalled and `PATH` to include its `bin` directory.
* Fixed: Exit code should be 7 if an handled exception made it to `nca_main`
* Added OpenSSF Scorecard badge to repo
* Removed dependency on `ruamel.yaml`
* Minor bug fixes


Changes in this Release:
* Fixing PyPI package to also include required YAML files

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