------------------ - Changed README to be a .md rather than .txt file
------------------ - Crossproduct is fixed now - Added multipledispatch as a dependency
------------------ - Fixed error with vmag - Added additional vector functions (dotprod, anglebetween) - Added functions to convert rad to degrees (and vise-versa) - Rearranged the general layout of the code - Added cross product
------------------ - Added parameter and return values in the Docstrings - Added clearer parameter guidelines for "moment" - clearer TypeError system
------------------ - Added Docstrings to the created functions - Added GRAVITY as a constant - Added functions for rotational and translational kinematics - Added functions to calculating moments of inertia - Added functions to convert non-SI Units to SI (for displacement and velocity) - Added conversion from rotational to translational units (annd vise-versa) - Added basic functions for mechanical energies