
Latest version: v2.13.1

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- Remove obsolete editor settings in `devcontainer.json` and `gitpod.yml` ([2795](
- Add nf-test test instructions to contributing and PR template ([2807](
- Fix topic extraction step for hashtags in toots ([2810](
- Update modules and subworkflows in the template ([2811](
- Unpin setup-nextflow and action-tower-launch ([2806](


- Improved offline container image resolution by introducing symlinks, fixes issues [2751](, [#2644]( and [demultiplex#164]( ([#2768](




- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action digest to 0cfda1d ([2794](
- chore(deps): update gitpod/workspace-base docker digest to c15ee2f ([2799](



- Add empty line in to fix badges. ([2729](
- Replace automatic branch detection in `nf-core download` CI test with hardcoded `dev` and input. ([2727](
- Add Github Action to automatically cleanup ubuntu-latest runners to fix runner running out of diskspace errors([2755](
- Fix GitHub Actions CI and Linting badges links ([2757](
- Add hashtags to release announcement on mastodon ([2761](
- update fastqc and multiqc in template ([2776](
- template refactoring: remove the `lib` directory and use nf-core subworkflows ([2736](
- use nf-validation to create an input channel from a sample sheet ([2736](


- Make creat-lint-wf composable ([2733](
- Add looser comparison when pipeline logos ([2744](
- Handle multiple aliases in module imports correctly during linting ([2762](
- Switch to markdown based API and error docs ([2758](


- Handle dirty local module repos by force checkout of commits and branches if needed ([2734](
- Patch: handle file not found when it is an added file to a module ([2771](
- Handle symlinks when migrating pytest ([2770](
- Add `--profile` parameter to nf-test command ([2767](


- fix ignoring changes in partially templated files (e.g. `.gitignore`) ([2722](
- update ruff to 0.2.0 and add it to pre-commit step ([2725](
- Update codecov/codecov-action digest to e0b68c6 ([2728](
- Update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.2.1 ([2730](
- Update python:3.11-slim Docker digest to 2a746e2 ([2743](
- Update actions/setup-python action to v5 ([2739](
- Update gitpod/workspace-base Docker digest to 45e7617 ([2747](
- chore(deps): pin jlumbroso/free-disk-space action to 54081f1 ([2756](
- chore(deps): update actions/github-script action to v7 ([2766](
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.2.2 ([2769](
- Update gitpod/workspace-base Docker digest to 728e1fa ([2780](



- Handle default values of type number from nextflow schema ([2703](
- fix ignoring files_unchanged ([2707](


- Update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.15 ([2705](
- use types for default value comparison ([2712](
- fix changelog titles ([2708](
- Print relative path not absolute path in logo cmd log output ([2709](
- Update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 ([2713](
- Ignore nf-core-bot in renovate PRs ([2716](



- Add a Github Action Workflow to the pipeline template that tests a successful download with `nf-core download` ([2618](
- Use `pre-commit` to lint files in GitHub CI ([2635](
- Use pdiff also on gitpod for nf-test ([2640](
- switch to new image syntax in readme ([2645](
- Add conda channel order to nextflow.config ([2094](
- Fix tyop in pipeline nextflow.config ([2664](
- Remove `nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` from lib directory in pipeline template ([2675](
- Add function to check `-profile` is well formatted ([2678](
- Add new pipeline error message pointing to docs when 'requirement exceeds available memory' error message ([2680](
- add 👀👍🏻🎉😕 reactions to fix-linting-bot action ([2692](


- Fix linting of a pipeline with patched custom module ([2669](
- linting a pipeline also lints the installed subworkflows ([2677](
- environment.yml name must be lowercase ([2676](
- allow ignoring specific files when template_strings ([2686](
- lint `nextflow.config` default values match the ones specified in `nextflow_schema.json` ([2684](


- Fix empty json output for `nf-core list local` ([2668](


- Run CI-pytests for nf-core tools on self-hosted runners ([2550](
- Add Ruff linter and formatter replacing Black, isort and pyupgrade ([2620](
- Set pdiff as nf-test differ in Docker image for Gitpod ([2642](
- Fix Renovate Dockerfile updating issues ([2648]( and [#2651](
- Add new subcommand `nf-core tui`, which launches a TUI (terminal user interface) to intuitively explore the command line flags, built using [Trogon]( ([#2655](
- Add new subcommand: `nf-core logo-create` to output an nf-core logo for a pipeline (instead of going through the website) ([2662](
- Handle api redirects from the old site ([2672](
- Remove redundanct v in pipeline version for emails ([2667](
- add function to check `-profile` is well formatted ([2678](
- Update pre-commit hook astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.14 ([2674](
- Update pre-commit hook pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to v1.8.0 ([2630](
- Update mshick/add-pr-comment action to v2 ([2632](
- update python image version in docker file ([2636](
- Update actions/cache action to v4 ([2666](
- Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment action to v4 ([2683](
- Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment action to v4 ([2695](



- Rename `release-announcments.yml` to `release-announcements.yml` ([2610](
- Fix `nextflow.config` `docker.runOptions` ([2607](


- Only dump `modules.json` when it is modified ([2609](



- Fix writing files to a remote outdir in the NfcoreTemplate helper functions ([2465](
- Fancier syntax highlighting for example samplesheets in the template ([2503](
- Use closure for multiqc ext.args ([2509](
- Fix how the modules template references the conda environment file ([2540](
- Unset env variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in gitpod ([2569](
- Pin the version of nf-validation ([2579](
- Disable process selector warnings by default ([2161](
- Remove `docker.userEmulation` from nextflow.config in pipeline template ([2580](


- Add `docker://` prefix for absolute container URIs as well ([2576](
- Bugfix for AttributeError: `ContainerError` object has no attribute `absoluteURI` ([2543](


- Fix incorrectly failing linting if 'modules' was not found in meta.yml ([2447](
- Correctly pass subworkflow linting test if `COMPONENT.out.versions` is used in the script ([2448](
- Add pyupgrade to pre-commit config and dev requirements as mentioned in [2200](
- Check for spaces in modules container URLs ([2452](
- Correctly ignore `timeline.enabled`, `report.enabled`, `trace.enabled`, `dag.enabled` variables when linting a pipeline. ([2507](
- Lint nf-test tags include all used components in chained tests ([2572](
- Don't fail linting if md5sum for empty files are found in a stub test ([2571](
- Check for existence of test profile ([2478](


- Added stub test creation to `create_test_yml` ([2476](
- Replace ModulePatch by ComponentPatch ([2482](
- Fixed `nf-core modules lint` to work with new module structure for nf-test ([2494](
- Add option `--migrate-pytest` to create a module with nf-test taking into account an existing module ([2549](
- When installing modules and subworkflows, automatically create the `./modules` directory if it doesn't exist ([2563](
- When `.nf-core.yml` is not found create it in the current directory instead of the root filesystem ([2237](
- Modules `--migrate-pytest` copies template scripts ([2568](


- Added stub test creation to `create_test_yml` ([2476](
- Fixed `nf-core subworkflows lint` to work with new module structure for nf-test ([2494](
- Add option `--migrate-pytest` to create a subworkflow with nf-test taking into account an existing subworkflow ([2549](


- Update `schema build` functionality to automatically update defaults which have changed in the `nextflow.config`([2479](
- Change testing framework for modules and subworkflows from pytest to nf-test ([2490](
- `bump_version` keeps now the indentation level of the updated version entries ([2514](
- Add mypy to pre-commit config for the tools repo ([2545](
- Use Path objects for ComponentCreate and update the structure of components templates ([2551](
- GitPod base image: swap tool installation back to `conda` from `mamba` ([2566](
- Sort the `installed_by` list in `modules.json` ([2570](
- Unset env variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in gitpod ([2569](

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