
Latest version: v0.19.0

Safety actively analyzes 622315 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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💥 Breaking Change during development

- Numpy 2.0 + scipy + matplotlib pre-release workflow [89]( ([mscheltienne]( [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [94]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))
- Add auto PR labeler [93]( ([mscheltienne]( [smoia](

Authors: 3

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Mathieu Scheltienne ([mscheltienne](
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



🐛 Bug Fix

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [92]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

Authors: 1

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])



🐛 Bug Fix

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [91]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [87]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))
- Fix versioneer for python >= 3.12 [86]( ([mscheltienne]( [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

Authors: 2

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Mathieu Scheltienne ([mscheltienne](



🐛 Bug Fix

- Fix laplacian and degree shape check in `laplacian.normalisation` [82]( ([smoia](

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [81]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

Authors: 2

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



:tada: This release contains work from a new contributor! :tada:

Thank you, null[merelvdthiel](, for all your work!

🐛 Bug Fix

- update upstream path contributors file [84]( ([merelvdthiel](

📝 Documentation

- Fix documentation build and API [80]( ([smoia](
- Add Furo theme to the documentation build [70]( ([mscheltienne]( [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))

⚠️ Tests

- Use assert_allclose from numpy.testing instead of np.allclose in matrix comparison tests [69]( ([mscheltienne](

🏠 Internal

- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 [85]( ([dependabot[bot]]([bot]))
- [] pre-commit autoupdate [79]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]))
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 [78]( ([dependabot[bot]]([bot]))
- int: Update actions versions [78]( ([smoia](

Authors: 5

- [dependabot[bot]]([bot])
- [merelvdthiel](
- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Mathieu Scheltienne ([mscheltienne](
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](



🐛 Bug Fix

- Fix computation of degree matrix (from normal matrix to its adjacency) [67]( ([smoia](

🏠 Internal

- [] pre-commit autoupdate [65]( ([pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot]) [smoia](

Authors: 2

- [pre-commit-ci[bot]]([bot])
- Stefano Moia ([smoia](


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