
Latest version: v23.2.0

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A new minor release with support for Python 3.12, matplotlib 3.8,
and dropping the implicit dependency on setuptools.


**Full Changelog**:

* FIX: Fix AttributeError Xtick has no attribute label (84)
* FIX: Typos found by codespell (79)
* ENH: Add session filtering to report generation (82)
* ENH: Add `ignore_initial_volumes` param to `ConfoundsCorrelationPlot` (83)
* RF: Purge pkg_resources, add data loader (85)
* STY: Assorted pyupgrade suggestions (80)


A new minor release including several bugfixes and a new module for diffusion MRI data plotting tools.

**Full Changelog**:

* FIX: Calculation of aspect ratio of mosaics (76)
* FIX: Bugs discovered generating DWI reports (73)
* FIX: Improve handling of reportlet style (68)
* FIX: Plugin inclusion via main bootstrap file did not work (64)
* ENH: Better SNR levels for representation in DWI heatmaps (77)
* ENH: Add a new DWI heatmap for quality control (75)
* ENH: Port basic report-capable interfaces from *NiWorkflows* (74)
* ENH: Add a ``bval-<label>`` entity (72)
* ENH: Allow CSS styling of reportlets in bootstrap file (67)
* ENH: Improve handling of auth token by rating-widget (66)
* ENH: Advanced metadata interpolation (65)
* ENH: BIDS filters and support *plugins* (incl. a rating widget as the example) (62)
* ENH: Allow different types of reportlets, not only BIDS-based (60)
* ENH: Upgrade bootstrap to 5.0.2 (59)
* ENH: Allow plotting of image rotated to cardinal axes (650)
* DOC: Adds a docstring to the ``compose_view`` function. (63)
* DOC: Ensure copyright notice in all headers' comment (635)
* MAINT: Replace distutils use, upgrade versioneer (725)
* MAINT: Refactor structure of interfaces (603)
* CI: Try older codecov orb (70)
* CI: Purge codecov Python package (69)


Hotfix release porting `nipreps/niworkflows785 <>`__.


A number of pre-releases were launched before 23.0.0 to test the deployment and the integration tests.



Has known vulnerabilities

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