
Latest version: v0.0.3

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GitHub branch `add-docs-for-developers` and `add-github-templates` Update docs for Developers and Add Github templates for issues and pull request

To improve communication with developers and also to create a streamlined process for the same, docs and templates have been added and updated to the repo. These do not change the functionality of the library in any form or shape.

[6d40570]( - [6d40570]( [neomatrix369]( _Sat Oct 17 19:24:30 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `addNounPhraseCount` Add noun phrase count in text data

Count the number of noun phrases in the text data and return it as part of granular features.

Thanks, ritikjain51 for your contribution originally via PR 13, which was fixed and refactored via PR 47.

[f8a22ba]( - [fcd706b]( [neomatrix369]( _Wed Oct 21 13:40:20 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `ci-cd-github-action` Fix GitHub to run on Windows instances

Now the build and test action runs on Windows instances as well. Fixes issue reported via 21.

[5e7f999]( [neomatrix369]( _Sat Oct 24 16:43:49 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `add-spacy-version-dependency-for-conda` Add spacy related docs info for Conda users

Conda user(s) could not install the library using the `pip install` this is now possible following the docs on the [README](./ page.
Fixes issue 57 via PR

[ae91f5c]( [neomatrix369]( _Sun Dec 13 10:17:17 2020 +0000_


GitHub branch `indicate-ease-of-reading-of-text` High-level feature: Indicate ease of reading of text

Just like spelling check and grammar checks, adding a high-level feature to indicate if a block of text is easy to read or not, based on the library textstat's flesch_reading_ease().

It returns values between 0 and 100 (I have seen values go past 0 and 100 depending on how bad or good the text is).

[4919a51]( [neomatrix369]( _Sun Dec 13 18:36:42 2020 +0000_


Return to [](


GitHub branch `scale-when-applied-to-larger-datasets` Improving performance of Grammar check on large datasets

Tweaking the Grammar check function to perform better than the previous version

[81d055f]( - [2e311f7]( [neomatrix369]( _Sat Oct 3 07:57:39 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `ci-cd-github-action` Automate CI/CD process on GitHub

Enable running tests with coverage when a new PR is created or commits are pushed to the repo, across Linux and Windows instances.

Producing the Code coverage report with each commit. And uploading the artifacts to GitHub.

[a806716]( - [7e4ca87]( [neomatrix369]( _Thu Oct 15 16:50:59 2020 +0100_



GitHub branch `test-python-3.6-compatibility` enable support for Python 3.6

Based on the issue raised on GitHub [1](

[b2a002a]( - [4f117a6]( [neomatrix369]( _Wed Sep 16 17:15:29 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `create-test-cases` write tests to verify implementation and for test coverage

[6bdc799]( - [4c49ae5]( [neomatrix369]( _Thu Sep 17 17:27:14 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `add-progress-bars` add progress bars to the various levels of transformation for better UX/UI experience

Based on the issue raised on GitHub [3]( - although only implements progress bars at the first and second levels of iterations, pending level 3 iteration (row/record level)


[a83bc23]( - [7c72b0e]( [neomatrix369]( _Thu Sep 17 19:50:30 2020 +0100_


GitHub branch `add-progress-bars` add progress bars to the various levels of transformation for better UX/UI experience

Continuing with the above changes, third-level progress-bar is in place (row-level progress)

[7c72b0e]( - [c3ada30]( [neomatrix369]( _Fri Sep 18 13:44:48 2020 +0100_


GitHub pull request improve performance of the library when used on larger datasets

Branch `scale-when-applied-to-larger-datasets`

Added parallelisation and some caching to improve the initial slow-down in the performance.

Verification and tests have been performed, although this is a continuous process.

For performance metrics before and after changes see this [comment]( on GitHub issue [2](

[00a68e2]( - [1ff5082]( [neomatrix369]( _Fri Sep 18 14:09:12 2020 +0100_



GitHub branch `create-update-release` releasing NLP Profiler on GitHub and PyPi

Just releasing to GitHub under the Releases tab and on PyPi

[d5d0bc1]( - [6510131]( [neomatrix369]( _Sun Sep 27 11:56:48 2020 +0100




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