- [Fix readme of reproduction](
- [Fix cem test](
- [Fix README samples and add prerequisites for Atari reproduction codes](
- [Fix tutorial-model](
- [Fix add workaround to avoid gym error](
- [Add ATRPO](
- [Add implementation for RNN support and DRQN algorithm](,
[Support RNN models on DQN and DQN inherited algorithms](,
[Follow DRQN author's implementation and update results](
- [Expand RNN support to dist rl algorithms](
- [Add rnn support to actor critic algorithms](
- [Support n-step q learning in ddpg, td3, her, sac]( and [ICML2018SAC](
- [Stop back propagating to target v function](
- [Add MME-SAC algorithm and Sparse/Delayed mujoco environment]( and
[Add Disentangled version of MME-SAC](
- [Add stop gradient function](
- [Add random shooting](
- [Update cem function interface](
- [Add Bernoulli distribution](
- [Enable sampling from multidimensional logits](
- [Add one hot softmax](
- [Support batched states for evaluation](
- [Add convenient episode result env](
- [Add profile function](
- [Update version in algorithm catalog](
- [Add readthedocs yaml]( and [Fixed yaml file](
- [Add HER and IQN to algorithm catalog](
Install the latest nnablaRL by:
pip install nnabla-rl