
Latest version: v2.7.3

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This bugfix version upgrades the geometry submodule to make it ready for the upcoming 2.0 version of Shapely.
It also improves the GraphML IO functions so that they support graphs with missing attributes.


This is mostly a bugfix version but it also introduces harmonic centrality support with igraph and node annotations on plots.

**New features**

* Support for harmonic centrality with igraph (52aec27d).
* Node annotations when hovering on nodes in plots (81c7da08)


Circular self-loops on network plots (81c7da08).


* Fix curved edges and sizes (81c7da08)
* improved spatial support (to_undirected and Graph init, e83fd6a4)
* Fix spectral radius for unweighted graphs (f2dc429c)
* Fix save_spikes and receptor port support with NEST (f2dc429c)


This new version adds support for NetworkX 2.6+, introduces a new network model, improves IO and plotting modules, and extends the list of functions that are supported by the default backend (if networkx, igraph, and graph-tool are not installed on the system).

**New features**

* ``sparse_clustered``: it is now possible to generate sparse graphs with a desired clustering coefficient, this comes with an associated rewiring scheme ([f45d0a9b](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/f45d0a9b8c895066bb59b2d1ee150b452fb7cfd5))
* support for GraphML file format ([a9f8710d](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/a9f8710da727dd51fdc01a31e7b8a2dc7d13188a))
* support for NetworkX 2.6+ ([f4e5002e](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/f4e5002ec6f409eb8f2b1af4f70ba8e49877650c))


* More efficient edge attribute access (speed and memory improvements, [c8f29951](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/c8f29951207274ba830d490e0ebc1361540a5eec))
* Improved plots (color and size support for nodes and edges, visible arrows for directed networks..., [7f5340b8](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/7f5340b8dbd20789d47a8e6a58a80a3cf026a921) & [ccdd627f](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/ccdd627f240b43e32ffe8cbce409186fddfc4865))
* Add connectedness test with nngt default backend ([d3979a15](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/d3979a1526793df2419368675f3f21a1e7556938))


Correct delete_edges for nngt backend that did not update the node degrees ([b1ca08df](https://git.sr.ht/~tfardet/NNGT/commit/b1ca08dfa968978a022026c413382b287bf723aa)).


Support networkx >= 3
Move to pyproject.toml
Make project REUSE compliant

Fix bug for igraph node attributes


This new release brings the possibility to plot graph together with [geospatial data](https://nngt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gallery/graph_structure/plot_map.html#sphx-glr-gallery-graph-structure-plot-map-py) and adds support for the new [NEST 3 release](https://github.com/nest/nest-simulator/releases/tag/v3.0).

New features

* the ``geospatial`` module and its ``draw_map`` function.
* support for NEST 3


* faster and more versatile ``get_edges`` function
* improved support of undirected graphs with non-positive weight attributes
* check for ununsed keywords arguments when creating ``Graph`` objects


* Correct SWP if deviations are negative
* default ``NeuralGroup`` is excitatory
* fix ``Structure.create_meta_group``
* fix error in ``new_edges`` for empty edge list

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