- fix the bug of deepcopy run parameter iter attribute
- create novalide web server project
- enable check for app update version on menu item
- enable download update version from web server
- establish the simple novalide web server
- enable delete files and folder from proeject and local file system
- check update version info when application start up
- support install package with pip promote to root user on linux os
- set default logger debug level to info level
- close open project files when delete project files or folders
- support auto check ,download and install new version of app on linux os
- enable rename folder and file item of project
- when renane folder of project,rename the open folder files
- watch the project document,and alarm the document change event
- fix the bug of load python when app startup on some computer
- fix the bug of null encoding when set file encoding
- enable copy and cut files of project,and paste to another position
- add csv module to library zip when use py2exe to pack
- allow add python package folder to project folder item
- fix a bug of load python interpreter from config
- enable drag file items to move files of project to dest
- fix the save as document bug whe the save as document filename is already opened