
Latest version: v1.1.8

Safety actively analyzes 685525 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- 重新优化调整中英文翻译
- 工程项目添加打开所在文件夹,复制完整路径,打开命令行终端3个功能键
- 打开文件夹或者打开终端失败弹出提示错误信息
- 修改linux系统下默认配置文件夹路径
- 修复linux下安装脚本错误
- 允许设置启动时是否自动检查版本更新
- 资源视图添加打开所在文件夹,复制完整路径,打开命令行终端3个功能菜单,并且允许刷新文件夹内容
- 修复脚本缺少图片的错误以及资源视图BUG
- 修改工具选项设置的界面显示,使用树形方式显示选项设置页面
- 优化解释器配置界面布局显示,更美观合理
- 添加了一些菜单项的图标


- 菜单添加访问官方网站入口
- 允许用户删掉软件自带解释器(内建),只保留一个非内建解释器
- 添加当前文档到工程时,同时修改当前文档路径并优化处理方式
- 设置关闭文档快捷键
- 优化nsis安装脚本,生成带版本号名称的安装包,卸载包时保留智能提示数据文件
- 优化中文文件编码,修复默认ascii文件不能保存中文字符的问题
- 区分python2和python3编码方式处理,python2包含中文保存文件时自动提示输入编码声明,python3不需要
- 文本文件另存为时可以选择任何文件后缀类型以及文本后缀类型
- 修复另存文本文件的bug
- 修复运行脚本时脚本目录不存成导致程序异常的BUG
- 项目名称为空时自动恢复正常,取消弹出警告对话框
- 支持在软件中添加扩展工具,并在菜单显示扩展工具项
- 添加web浏览器功能
- 支持工程中添加新建文件,并支持模板编辑功能
- 安装包提供中英文选择界面
- 修复项目没有选中任何项时导入文件和新建文件菜单崩溃的BUG,默认设置选中为跟节点
- 修复默认设置python文件编码为非asc时,保存asc编码文件提示插入中文编码的BUG


- fix the bug of deepcopy run parameter iter attribute
- create novalide web server project
- enable check for app update version on menu item
- enable download update version from web server
- establish the simple novalide web server
- enable delete files and folder from proeject and local file system
- check update version info when application start up
- support install package with pip promote to root user on linux os
- set default logger debug level to info level
- close open project files when delete project files or folders
- support auto check ,download and install new version of app on linux os
- enable rename folder and file item of project
- when renane folder of project,rename the open folder files
- watch the project document,and alarm the document change event
- fix the bug of load python when app startup on some computer
- fix the bug of null encoding when set file encoding
- enable copy and cut files of project,and paste to another position
- add csv module to library zip when use py2exe to pack
- allow add python package folder to project folder item
- fix a bug of load python interpreter from config
- enable drag file items to move files of project to dest
- fix the save as document bug whe the save as document filename is already opened


- fix create virtualenv bug on linux os
- fix the bug of file watcher when save as the same file
- update english to chinese translation
- replace toolbar old image with new image
- fix a serious breakpoint debug bug
- add icon to meneu item
- enable install and uninstall package
- add breakpoint debug menu item
- show detail progress information of install and uninstall package
- fix the bug of goto definition bug
- fix the bug of kill process fail on linux os
- kill the smart analyse processes when application exit and smart analyse is running
- add project id attribute to project instance
- enable mutiple selections on project files
- delete project regkey config when close project or delete project
- show styled text of binary document
- show file encoding of document on status bar
- save document cache position when close frame and load position data when open document
- enable modify project name with label edit
- set the startup script of project and bold the project startup item
- enable run and debug last settings of project or file
- fix the bug of create unittest when parse file error
- fix the check syntax error of python script bug
- save all open project documents before run
- fix the bug of close all run tabs
- fix the bug of save chinese text document
- allow set the default file encoding of text document
- fix the bug of pip path contains blank when install and uninstall package
- fix the bug of close debugger window when application exit


- query the running process to stop or not when application exit
- fix the bug when the interpreter path contain empty blank string
- add icon of unittest treectrl item
- add import files to project and show import file progress
- beautify unittest wizard ui interface
- add new project wizard on right menu of project view
- fix the bug of import files on linux os
- fix the coruption problem of debug run script with builtin interpreter
- fix the bug of open file in file explower on windows os
- optimise and fix bug of import project files
- copy files to project dest dir when import files
- fix the bug when load saved projects
- show prompt message dialog when the import files to project have already exist
- enable filter file types when import files to project
- fix getcwd coruption bug on linux os when currrent path is deleted
- fix file observer bug on linux os when the watched path is deleted
- add open project and save project memu item on project menu and implement the menu action
- add monitor to currrent project to generate intellisense data of the project
- add project icon of NovalIDE project file with the .nov file extension and associated with NovalIDE application
- enable click on the .nov file to open NovalIDE project
- enable add ,delete and manage breakpoints
- enable add package folder in project
- correct the error number count of search text result in project
- enable open project from command line and set as current project
- update nsis script to write project file extension and icon to regsitry
- fix the serious bug of close and delete project
- enable filter file types when import files to project
- fix the bug of project file or path contains chinese character


- add drive icon and volument name on resource view
- use multithread to load python pip package
- fix image view display context menu bug
- change python and text file icon
- add project file icon to project and show project root
- show local icon of file when scan disk file on resource view
- when add point and brace symbol to document text will delete selected text
- save folder open state when swith toggle button on resource view
- parse main function node and show main function in outline view
- fix parse file content bug where content encoding is error
- fix parse collections package recursive bug in python3
- when current interpreter is analysing,load intellisense data at end
- try to get python help path in python loation if help path is empty on windows os
- fix image size is not suitable which will invoke corruption on linux os.convernt png image to 16*16
- fix the bug when click the first line of search results view
- allow add or remove python search path,such as directory,zip ,egg and wheel file path
- add new python virtual env function
- fix environment variable contains unicode character bug
- fix add python virtual env bug on linux os
- fix the bug when double click the file line and show messagebox which cause wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST problem
- adjust the control layout of configuration page
- remove the left gap if python interpreter view
- allow load builtin python interpreter
- enable debug file in python interpreter view with builtin interpreter
- optimise the speed of load outline of parse tree
- change startup splash image of application
- fix bug when show startup splash image on linux os

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