* Explicit support for NumPy 2, in addition to NumPy 1.
* Added the ability to automatically publish to PyPI.
* `Support for Python 3.6 and NumPy<1.17 has been dropped <https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html>`_ * Migration of testing infrastructure to pytest. * Tests are now included in the package itself. * Fixed some deprecation warnings from NumPy 1.20+.
* Fixed an issue regarding a deprecation of `collections.Sized` (in favour of `collections.abc.Sized`) in Python 3.10+ * Code snippets in documentation are now tested for correctness. * Tests are now included in source distributions.
* Added support for Python 3.9
* Added the ability to run default benchmarks from the command line with ``python -m npsteams.benchmarks``. * Added explicit support for Python 3.8. * Bumped requirement for `numpy >= 1.14`.