- Depend on zope.deferredimport >= 4.2.1 to be able to generate Sphinx documentation. - Clean up code to match PEP8.
- Fix an ``UnboundLocalError`` on Python 3 in the ``Variant`` field. See `issue 14 <https://github.com/NextThought/nti.schema/issues/14>`_.
- Drop the Python 2 dependency on ``plone.i18n`` in favor of the new library ``nti.i18n``, which supports Python 3. If ``plone.i18n`` is installed, it *should not* be configured (ZCML), but its utility objects can be looked up by either interface.
- Remove use of ``unicode_literals``.
- Add support for Python 3.6.
- The ``SchemaConfigured`` constructor doesn't hide errors when checking for properties on Python 2. See `issue 11 <https://github.com/NextThought/nti.schema/issues/11>`_.