This version includes the following updates: - Minor bug fixes. - Fix PIL pip requirements.
This version includes the following updates: - Add lidar basemap to map expansion - Add script to generate instance videos - Bug fixes, typos - Challenge info, rules, results, rendering scripts - Relax default requirements
This version includes the following updates: - Tutorials on Google Colab - nuScenes-lidarseg evaluation code. - NeurIPS 2020 announcement.
This version includes the following updates: - nuImages code. - nuScenes-lidarseg code. - Modular requirements. - Overhaul documentation.
This version includes the following updates: - New centerline methods - Updated prediction tutorial - Update map tutorial - Script to export ego poses - Dynamic figure size computation - Better tests - Updated documentation
This version includes the following updates: - Relaxed pip requirements around torch/torchvision and pillow. - Implemented l2 loss in prediction. - Restructured and renamed prediction folder.