* Add English Punctuation Test Case by divkakwani in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/13
* Update common submodule for word confidences by messiaen in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/16
* feat(nmt): add nmt client by junkin in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/18
* fix(nmt): remove dup line by junkin in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/20
* feat(asr): add speaker diarization support in offline client by virajkarandikar in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/25
* Require setuptools>=65 by rmittal-github in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/28
* Update version to 2.8.0 by rmittal-github in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/30
New Contributors
* divkakwani made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/13
* messiaen made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/16
* junkin made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/18
* virajkarandikar made their first contribution in https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/pull/25
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/compare/r0.0.5...r2.8.0
**Riva Release Notes**: https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/riva/user-guide/docs/release-notes.html#riva-skills-release-2-8-0
1. Add support for profanity filter
1. Update minimum Python version to 3.7 because this package fails with Python 3.6.
2. Update supported Riva version to 2.3.0.
3. Add punctuation tests for German, Spanish, and Chinese.
4. Add `--language-code` parameter to `scripts/nlp/punctuation_client.py` script.
5. Improve `setup.py`.
- Add comprehensive error message for cases when `common` submodule is empty.
- Remove unused code.
7. Rename `argparse` parameters (`--run_tests` -> `--run-tests` in `scripts/nlp/punctuation_client.py`, `--input_file` -> `--input-file` and `--output_file` -> `--output-file` in `scripts/nlp/update_intent_slot_test_data_format.py`) which contain underscore. From now on all `argparse` parameters are written using hyphens.
This release redirects from old package PyPI `riva-api` to new `nvidia-riva-client`.
1. Change name of package from `riva-api` to `nvidia-riva-client`.
2. Change namespace from `riva_api` to `riva.client`.
3. Add possibility to use gRPC `future`.
4. Import `AnalyzeIntentOptions` to the main `__init__.py`
5. Add an example of `AnalyzeIntentOptions` usage.
6. Do not require `model_name` in `NLPService.punctuate_text()` method and do not require `voice_name` in `SpeechRecognitionService.synthesize()` and `SpeechRecognitionService.synthesize_online()`.