* `airlines`: `carrier` columns are characters instead of factors (2).
* `airports`: duplicate entry for BFT removed (7).
* `flights`:
* new `time_hour` variable combines `year`, `month`, `day`, and
`hour` into a single variable (11).
* new `sched_dep_time` and `sched_arr_time` variables give scheduled
departure and arrival times - these are more appropriate for connecting
to weather data. `hour` and `minute` are now computed from the scheduled
departure time, not the actual departure time.
* missing `tailnum` now recorded as `NA`, not `""` (10).
* `weather`:
* Includes weather data for all airports.
* New `time_hour` variable combines `year`, `month`, `day`, `hour` into
a single POSIXct variable.
* Saved as ungrouped.