
Latest version: v1.0.2

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* Minor fixes and tweaks (1.0.2)
- Merged pull request to remove numpy.warnings filter, due to it being removed from recent np versions and crashing obsplanning on import
- package multicolorfits has been moved to 'extras' instead of a requirement. Functions for plotting images (finder plots) will fail without it, but it requires QT - maintaining QT compatibility on various systems and software versions has become a headache, and the rest of the obsplanning package need not be held hostage by the image plotting dependencies.


* Initial release
- pyephem-based time conversions, observers (telescope), and target source (sky) objects
- Plotting/visualization tools for target elevation tracks and finder plots
- Transit time and target visibility calculations for single telescopes or multiple stations (VLBI/VLBA)
- Miscellaneous coordinate handling, radio astronomy info, and other helpful functions
- Preliminary versions use functional approach



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