This new release fixes a number of details un-related with the core algorithms. Those changes appear mostly in the scripts. In particular, the changes include:
- Component name for the pressure channel in the downloaded .SAC files has been changed from '?HH' to '?DH' to follow proper convention. This has been changed in both `atacr_download_data` and `atacr_download_event` scripts.
- The script `atacr_correct_event` now automatically saves the corrected seismograms, both as a pickled `EventStream` object and as .SAC files, whose file name reflects the transfer function used (i.e., either the daily or station averaged transfer function (e.g., `day` vs `sta`), and the name of the transfer function applied (e.g., `ZP-21`)
- The online documentation has been thoroughly updated to reflect those changes.
On the to-do list, the package is missing a script to load "event" SAC files already present on disk, as opposed to downloading them on the fly. This will occur in tandem with a forthcoming package that manages seismic data archives.