GoogleMaps downloader
* Added documentation and tutorial ([`bfc9892`](
* Added pytest-cov ([`a6480a4`](
* Added tests for utilities ([`c0b0906`](
* Updated package requirements. Cleaned up the code. ([`998b7a8`](
* Added packaging things ([`5c57122`](
* Code polishing
Added dynamic zoom change if the zoom level is not available for map. Fixed resizing bug. Refactored code. ([`1a78dfb`](
* Code style refactoring ([`16d3f5a`](
* Improved the robustness of the resizing logic ([`d683c40`](
* Added resize and formats convertion ([`77f458a`](
* Refactored code ([`a3150f7`](
* Added basic implementation ([`7ac2912`](