- Add OEMetadata version 2.0: [144](
- Introduce a schema build system: [105](
- The build files (schema & script) are maintained for each version (starting form v1.6.0) within the new directory called "metadata/(version)/build_source"
- The schema is rather long and complex. We split the long schema.json into modules. The modules are assembled in a json file that specifies the structure of the final schema.json, and it is called schema_structure.json.
- It uses JSON schema $ref elements to reference the schema modules, and it provides code to resolve the reference´s and generate the complete schema.json.
- Add code to generate an example.json based on the schema.json. We read the example values for each of the fields specified in the schema and generate the example. [105](
- Add updated context.json [(154)](
- Add ``embargoPeriod`` section with keys ``start``, ``end``, ``isActive`` [(155)](
- Add ``path`` to ``contributors`` [(157)](
- Add organization to contributors [(157)](
- Add roles to contributors [(157)](
- Add section for ``Linked Data`` keys [(159)](
- Add mandatory fields to the json schema (Iron Badge) [(160)](
- Add key ``copyrightStatement`` to ``sources`` [(162)](
- Add key nullable to fields section (columns) [(161)](
- Add explicit json types [(166)](
- Add key ``topics`` to ``general`` [(170)](
- Add badge labels to documentation [(175)](
- Implement schema build system v1: Enhance the resolve and generation module [(180)](
- Add basic documentation with MkDocs [(184)](
- Add key ``publisher`` to ``context`` [(191)](
- Add array ``authors`` to ``sources``. [(193)](
- Add ``year`` to ``sources`` [(194)](
- Add key ``description`` to ``collection`` and update badges [(195)](
- Add mappings to DCAT-AP to the documentation [(198)](
- Add issue template for user kudos [(199)](
- Remove comment field as it holds information on how to fill out the metadata and therefore should not be part of the actual oemetadata but the documentation. [105](
- Update the schema json file content (schema generation still broken, add desired output) and fix the schema path in the script for generating examples (it pointed to an incorrect directory and file name) [(149)](
- Update broken Link in key description example [(159)](
- Update ``resource/profile`` to ``resource/type`` [(164)](
- Update links in context.json and example.json for all versions [(167)](
- Restrict the version number to only major and minor versions since 2.0 [(168)](
- Update all descriptions and examples [(175)](
- Build scripts use a settings file to share variables [(177)](
- Refactor the ``spatial`` section and add new keys for location: ``address``, ``id``, ``latitude``, ``longitude`` and for extent: ``name``, ``id``, ``resolutionValue``, ``resolutionUnit``, ``boundingBox``, ``crs`` [(179)](
- Move ``linkedData`` keys to the top of the resource [(183)](
- Update order of keys in section context [(191)](
- Remove email from contributors [(157)](
- Remove all additionalProperties is false [(163)](
- Remove duplicate keys from resources [(165)](
- Remove linkedData section and keys [(176)](