
Latest version: v3.1.1

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From the release of version 3.0, `OMEGA-Py` has been officially validated by the OMEGA team and is distributed as an official OMEGA software alternative to the IDL version.

A complete online documentation has been written and is available at

Version 3.1 corresponds to the release associated with the publication in the Journal of Open Source Software.

* Add recursive search in subfolders for OMEGA files binaries when calling `omega_data.OMEGAdata.__init__()`
* Add `BD_omega` function to compute band depth criteria on OMEGA observations

* Fix `use_V_geom` in interactive display


From the release of version 3.0, `OMEGA-Py` has been officially validated by the OMEGA team and is distributed as an official OMEGA software alternative to the IDL version.

A complete online documentation has been written and is available at

Updates to the `omega_data.OMEGAdata` class
* Improve binaries processing to have a perfect match with the IDL version of the code, force the use of float32 instead of float64
* Add focal plane and spectrometer temperatures for all channels
* Add incidence and emergence angles w.r.t. the local normal (in addition to the ellipsoid)
* Add `omega.ref_C`, surface reflectance map to be compared with `cos(inci_n)` to check the geometry spatial calibration
* Add geometry information for the V-channel (which is slightly different to the one of the V+L channels)
* Add distance to Sun in km (in addition to a.u. value)

* Add option to use the V-channel geometry in all the display functions that use projection (`use_V_geom=True`)

* Add option to filter only the data cubes acquired with nadir geometry in `find_cube` (`nadir_only=True`)


* Add `omega_mask` function to generate masks used in the `omega_plots` functions.

* Add new projection method for composite maps: `proj_method=2` accounts for the entire footprint of each pixel to create high-resolution maps. But it takes much more time to process.


Fixes several issues related to the use of the module with Windows.

* Fix compatibility issues with Windows for the importation and correction of `OMEGAdata` objects.
* Disable the use of multiprocessing for thermal correction with Windows.
* Fix definition of custom paths for binary and python files with `set_omega_bin_path()` and `set_omega_py_path()`.

* Add the `mask` argument in `show_omega()`.
* Fix gaps between pixels in composite maps.


Update script functions from *SOFT09* to *SOFT10*: extent the L-channel correction up to orbit 13131 (see the *SOFT10 README* for more details).

* Add the `get_header_qub` and `get_header_nav` methods to the `OMEGAdata` class
* Change average datetime to median datetime (`OMEGAdata` and `find_cube`) to fix issue with partially corrupted geometry informations

* Add the `**kwargs` argument *v2 plots functions. Pass additional parameters of the `plt.colormesh` function for the plot.


* Add the display (`disp`) option to `OMEGAdata`
* Improve the version managing of saved `OMEGAdata` objects

* Add the `negative_values` argument for composite maps

* Add support of NaNs for the `where_closer()` and `where_closer_array()` functions

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