
Latest version: v0.10.1

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What's changed

- Modified gen_processing_model tokenizer model to output int64, unifying output datatype of all tokenizers.
- Implemented support for post-processing of YOLO v8 within the Python extensions package.
- Introduced 'fairseq' flag to enhance compatibility with certain Hugging Face tokenizers.
- Incorporated 'added_token' attribute into the BPE tokenizer to improve CodeGen tokenizer functionality.
- Enhanced the SentencePiece tokenizer by integrating token indices into the output.
- Added support for the custom operator implemented with CUDA kernels, including two example operators.
- Added more tests on the Hugging Face tokenizer and fixed identified bugs.

Contributors to ONNX Runtime Extensions include members across teams at Microsoft, along with our community members: wenbingl sayanshaw24 skottmckay mszhanyi edgchen1 YUNQIUGUO RandySheriffH samwebster hyoshioka0128 baijumeswani dizcza Craigacp jslhcl


What's Changed

- New Python API gen_processing_models to export ONNX data processing model from Huggingface Tokenizers such as LLaMA , CLIP, XLM-Roberta, Falcon, BERT, etc.
- New TrieTokenizer operator for RWKV-like LLM models, and other tokenizer operator enhancements.
- New operators for Azure EP compatibility: AzureAudioToText, AzureTextToText, AzureTritonInvoker for Python and NuGet packages.
- Processing operators have been migrated to the new [Lite Custom Op API](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/gh-pages/docs/reference/operators/add-custom-op.md#define-and-register-a-custom-operator)
- New operator of string strip
- Using the latest Ort header instead of minimum compatible headers
- Support offset mapping in most tokenizers like BERT, CLIP, Roberta and etc.
- Remove the deprecating std::codecvt_utf8 from code base
- Document are uploaded to https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/extensions/

Contributors to ONNX Runtime Extensions include members across teams at Microsoft, along with our community members: aidanryan-msft RandySheriffH edgchen1 kunal-vaishnavi sayanshaw24 skottmckay snnn VishalX wenbingl wejoncy


**New Changes:**

1. NuGet package for the .NET platform. This package offers comprehensive platform support, including Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, and iOS. Both x64 and arm64 architectures are supported, where applicable.
2. Support for pre-processing and post-processing of the Whisper model, inclusive of Audio and Tokenizer decoding operators.
3. Extends support for pre-processing and post-processing of object-detection models, including a new DrawBoundingBoxes operator. Pre/post processing tools can add non-max-suppression to the model to select the best bounding boxes, and scale those to the original image. See the end-to-end example in `tutorials/yolo_e2e.py`.
4. Introduces the Audio Domain, complemented with AudioCodec and optimized STFT Operators, enhancing audio processing capabilities.
5. Enabled optional input/output support for some operators such as GPT2Tokenizer, ClipTokenizer, and RobertaTokenizer.
6. Refined the implementation of offset mapping for BBPE-style tokenizers for more operators and efficiency improvement.
7. Other bug and security fixes.

Contributors to ONNX Runtime Extensions include members across teams at Microsoft, along with our community members: edgchen1 kunal-vaishnavi sayanshaw24 skottmckay snnn VishalX wenbingl wejoncy

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/compare/v0.7.0...v0.8.0


1. New custom operators: RobertaTokenizer, ClipTokenizer, EncodeImage, DecodeImage
2. ORT custom operator C++ stub generation [tool](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/main/tools/gen_customop_template.py)
3. Operator implementation and [documentation](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/tree/rel-0.7/docs) improved.
4. Python (3.7 - 3.10) and ORT (1.10 above) compatible.

1. Android package: [Maven](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.microsoft.onnxruntime/onnxruntime-extensions-android)
2. iOS package: [CocoaPods](https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/tree/master/Specs/7/f/9/onnxruntime-extensions-c/0.7.0)
3. [PrePostProcessor](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/main/onnxruntime_extensions/tools/Example%20usage%20of%20the%20PrePostProcessor.md) tool for mobile model
4. [Super-resolution model pre- / post- processing end-to-end examples](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/rel-0.7/tutorials/superresolution_e2e.py)

Contributors to this release include members across teams at Microsoft, along with our community members: edgchen1 skottmckay shaahji sayanshaw24 snnn wenbingl natke YUNQIUGUO guschmue JamieMagee adrianlizarraga wejoncy matheusgomes28


This is a C++ source code package only release. Python and other packages will be expected in the next release.

What's Changed
1. Support OpenCV core and imgproc modules in Custom Op implementation.
2. Code security compliance fixings.
3. Some other improvements.

Thanks for the Contributors from: joburkho shaahji TruscaPetre Sanster natke hombreola snnn leqiao-1 wenbingl


Fix the issue on StringRegexSplitWithOffsets operator.

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