
Latest version: v1.2.1

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This release contains *many* updates. Some of the major updates include:
- repackage to better align with [scientific python community guidelines](https://learn.scientific-python.org/development/)
- updated documentation
- added some ability to better handle fragmentation (this will require further attention in future releases)
- support of OBS data pull

What's Changed
* update to allow all 200 Hz seismometers by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/162
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/164
* add .readthedocs.yaml and updated versioning to conf.py by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/165
* updated bug with docs versioning by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/166
* hard coded docs release by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/167
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/169
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/171
* Pull updates from main into handle_fragmentation by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/175
* added ability to check fragmentation inside mseed file by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/163
* add updates from main by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/176
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/179
* added frag handling by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/168
* Clean packaging and migrate to hatch by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/182
* Overhaul of Documentation by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/184
* update entry_point branch by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/185
* Add entry point for download script by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/186

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1


Major Changes:
- changed spectrogram and psd outputs to be xarray objects instead of custom objects
- added a scripts section for programmatically downloading hydrophone data to disk.

Minor Changes
- updated documentation
- updated to require python >= 3.9
- updated demo notebooks
- added progress bar as verbose option to get_acoustic_data


What's Changed
* added calibration for seismometer channels for LF hydrophones by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/101
* small accumulated changes over the year by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/113
* fixed spectrogram bug by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/116
* Bug with get_acoustic_data fixed by John-Ragland in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/119
* Fix repo reference for pypi workflow by lsetiawan in https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/pull/121

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Ocean-Data-Lab/ooipy/compare/v1.1.4...v1.1.5


- bug fix with numpy dependency
- several other small bug fixes



- several bug fixes and improvements in documentation
- fixed calibration for Axial Base broadband hydrophone



- bug fixes in spectrogram computation and package installation

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