Packages: - Refines the default EIP-1559 values in the ledger connection's configuration 788 && 791
Plugins: - Uses the minimum tip as a fallback 789 - Makes the timeout of RPC requests configurable 792
Docs: - Fixes broken submodule and Macro syntax error 787
Tests: - Creates a test for the EIP-1559 fee calculation 791 - Makes the public RPCs overridable via environment variables 793
Plugins: - `open-aea-ethereum` now multiplies the base gas fee as before. 786
Plugins: - Defaults the minimum allowed tip as 1000000000 for Gnosis chain, and 1 for the rest. 784 - Adds a new function `get_l1_data_fee` to the `EthereumApi` class, to get the L1 data fee for a transaction. 784
Packages: - Updates log level to debug 774
Plugins: - Accounts for the minimum allowed tip on chains 782
AEA: - Fixes encoding 779
Plugins: - Removes incorrect key from the fallback estimate 779 - Fixes the transaction receipt's retrieval on the ledger dispatcher 773
Chores: - Upgrades macOS in workflow 772
Docs: - Adds explicit reference to the version of `mkdocs-mermaid-plugin` 776 - Fixes reference to the multiplexer image 778
Plugins: - Fixes the handling of dropped ACN node connection 769 - Fixes an edge case in the gas estimation 770