
Latest version: v1.0.0a15

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Breaking changes

- Minimum OpenAssetIO version increased to v1.0.0-beta.2.1 to make use of new API features. [90](

- Renamed the key for configuring per trait set `managementPolicy` responses in the JSON database from `"exceptions"` to `"overrideByTraitSet"`. [90](

New features

- Added validation during publishing against `managementPolicy` and the `kWrite` entity trait set. [90](

- Added `"overrideByAccess"` option in the JSON DB entity entries, allowing per access mode overrides of returned data, with `null` signalling non-existence and empty dict `{}` signalling inaccessibility. [90](

- Add new `bal_library_dir_url` substitution variable, allowing library directory to be used in places where OpenAssetIO requires a valid url. [86](

Bug fixes

- Fixed `resolve` to no longer imbue entity traits that have no property values.

- Fixed to trigger a `kEntityResolutionError` result, rather than `IndexError` exception, when querying an empty `"versions"` list in the JSON database. [90](


Breaking changes

- Reverted `openassetio-mediacreation` to an explicit package dependency, now that is complete, and conflicting installation requirements will be handled correctly. [#72](

- Minimum OpenAssetIO version increased to v1.0.0-beta.2.0 due to breaking API changes. [89](

New features

- Added support for the `entityTraits` core API method. [89](

- Added support for the `kRequired` and `kManagerDriven` access modes in `managementPolicy` queries. Added support for access modes other than `kRead` in `resolve` queries (i.e. `kManagerDriven`). [98](


New features

- Added support for querying a stable equivalent reference using the OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation `StableReferenceRelationshipSpecification` with `getWithRelationship`. [83](


Breaking changes

- Minimum OpenAssetIO version increased to v1.0.0-beta.1.0 due to breaking API changes. [1119]( [#1125]( [#1127](

- Added `openassetio` as a package dependency to aid debugging versions conflicts.


Bug fixes

- Made `openassetio-mediacreation` a soft dependency to avoid conflicting installation requirements.


Breaking changes

- Refactored entity reference handling, resulting in a change to exception message formatting for malformed entity references.

- Migrated `entityExists` to the batch-first callback based signature.

- Entity references returned from `register` will now contain a version specifier in the `v=<version>` query parameter. [49](

- Added a runtime dependency on the `openassetio-mediacreation` package.

- Added validation to API methods to error on unsupported access modes. [57](

- Minimum OpenAssetIO version increased to v1.0.0-alpha.14 due to breaking API changes. [1054](

New features

- The entity reference scheme consumed by BAL can be adjusted from the default of `bal` using the `entity_reference_url_scheme` setting. This must be set to a simple alphanumeric string.

- Added support for retrieving specific versions using the `v=<version>` query parameter in a BAL entity reference. When publishing, `preflight` will remove any explicit version specifier (as it will always produce a new version), and `register` will return an entity reference with the version specifier for the newly created version. [49](

- Added support for resolving the OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation `VersionTrait`. [49](

- Added support for querying entity versions using the OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation `EntityVersionsRelationshipSpecification` and `StableEntityVersionsRelationshipSpecification` with `getWithRelationship`. If the `specifiedVersion` property of the `VersionTrait` is set, then a reference for that version will be returned. [49](

Bug fixes

- Added missing fixtures for the `openassetio.test.manager` API compliance suite test harness. [61](

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