
Latest version: v2.3.2

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This is an ABI-compatible update for the 2.3.x series that includes all fixes since the 2.3.1 release.

In particular, this release fixes two crashes:

1. Certain older (generally 7-12 year old) CPUs including Intel x86-64 (Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge) and Intel Atom (Goldmont/Apollo Lake) microarchitectures that support SSE 4.2 SIMD instructions but do not support the initial AVX set and XSAVE, or other CPUs where the OS has disabled AVX and XSAVE support, will crash when trying to evaluate a Lut1D or Lut3D in OCIO libraries compiled with SSE enabled (which is the default). More recent CPUs (e.g., those supporting AVX2 or higher) should not be affected.

2. Users of the Linux Python bindings via PyPI will crash when trying to use OCIO from within another application that has been compiled with the new libstdc++ ABI, per the requirements of the VFX Platform for CY2023 and CY2024.

Bug fixes and minor enhancements:

PR 1935, Prevent trying to use AVX instructions on certain CPUs that don't support them
PR 1933, Add manylinux_2_28 Python wheels for compliance with the current VFX Platform libstdc++ ABI
PR 1929, Fix ssse3 detection typo
PR 1921, Fix build break with custom PyString installs by always using system include pystring.h
PR 1924, Fix narrowing conversion error in unit test on riscv64
PR 1925, Enhance the ociochecklut command-line tool to print the output after each step

Many thanks to the following contributors:

brechtvl, Ray Molenkamp, remia, markreidvfx, pennelee, chenrui333, wahn, Shunji Yokozawa, Wayne Arnold, phanen, michdolan, and doug-walker.


This is an ABI-compatible update for the 2.3.x series that includes all fixes since the 2.3.0 release.

Bug fixes and minor enhancements:

PR 1898, Add Python 3.12 wheels
PR 1913, Improve heuristics for finding known color spaces
PR 1886, Fix missing Default View Transform on equal operator
PR 1904, Fix env serialization for v1 configs
PR 1873, Fix missing cache id reset on look update
PR 1896, Skip processor concatenation if the display color space is also data
PR 1855, Fix regression in cccid handling when no value is supplied
PR 1849, Python bindings source builds failing to load libOpenColorIO
PR 1905, Fix NamedTransform context var issue
PR 1845, Improve ocioview curve inspector
PR 1853, Improve ocioview mac support and simplify dependencies
PR 1882, Remove circular import caused by typing annotations
PR 1888, ICC Profile load issue caused by improper use of std::isspace
PR 1847, Add some small arm neon optimizations
PR 1842, Fix support for X86 32-bit
PR 1848, Add links to new release notes documentation
PR 1892, Fix spelling errors in documentation

Build enhancements:

PR 1907, Fix yaml-cpp build issues
PR 1902, Improve compatibility with minizip-ng COMPAT mode
PR 1901, Improve handling of pystring include dir
PR 1899, Restore GPU workflow and minor updates to CI
PR 1891, Simplify the Findyaml-cpp module
PR 1890, Tentative fix for the doxygen installation in the Windows CI
PR 1861, Correctly recover CXX_FLAGS in CheckSupportSSE2.cmake

Many thanks to the following contributors:

remia, markreidvfx, cedrik-fuoco-adsk, michdolan, KelSolaar, KevinJW, Shootfast, carolalynn22, num3ric, mdecaria, pennelee, ajymoonILM, tobim, licy183, AbhineshJha, and doug-walker


This is the main new feature release for this year and is the base version for the
CY2024 VFX Reference Platform (which specifies 2.3.x).

We anticipate making an ABI-compatible 2.3.x release near the end of the year that will
fix any issues found with the new features as the 2.3.0 library gets more widely tested.
Ideally, application developers will introduce 2.3.0 into their testing programs now and
then update to the latest 2.3.x release available before shipping next year.

This [documentation page]( explains the new features in this release.

Major new features:

PR 1816, Add new ocioview config visual editor app (alpha)
PR 1687, Utilize AVX SIMD intrinsics to accelerate Lut1D and Lut3D performance
PR 1828, Utilize Neon SIMD intrinsics and improve Universal Build support for macOS
PR 1788, Enhanced methods to find an equivalent color space between configs
PR 1802, Add command-line apps to Python Wheel
PR 1808, Add GetProcessorFromConfigs variants for displays and views
PR 1762, Disallow use of 1D textures for Lut1D ops in the GPU renderer
PR 1791, Add clear Processor cache function to accomodate changes to existing LUT files
PR 1773, Add cg-config-latest & studio-config-latest short-cuts to built-in configs
PR 1812, Add built-in transform for Display P3 and bump config version

Bug fixes and minor enhancements:

PR 1792, Add isInactiveColorSpace and getRoleColorSpace methods
PR 1832, Add hasDynamic method to CPUProcessor and allow OSL language output from Python
PR 1829, Fix named transform validation issue
PR 1779, Fix GradingPrimary bypass and allow easier comparison in Python
PR 1759, Allow PyOpenColorIO module to load DLLs from Windows PATH env var
PR 1780, Improve DisplayViewTransform error message and add more unit tests
PR 1786, Remove inactive color space warnings from unit test output
PR 1822, Remove additional color space warnings from unit test output
PR 1833, Update Python docs for new texture dimensions API
PR 1812, Fix error in Baker documentation related to LUT inversion
PR 1803, Add Thomas and Zach to the TSC
PR 1782, Add 3ds Max as a supported app

Build process enhancements:

PR 1777, Add CMake support for minimum and recommended versions of dependencies
PR 1813, Add VFX Platform 2023 to CI Linux build matrix
PR 1778, Improve Python Wheel packaging
PR 1790, Make OpenColorIO usable as a sub-project using CMake's FetchContent
PR 1806, Support minizip-ng 4 API
PR 1823, CMake fixes for yaml-cpp affecting vcpkg
PR 1793, Change min ZLib version to 1.2.8
PR 1826, Adjust to change in Sphinx breaking documentation builds
PR 1809, Adjust to change in Doxygen groups to fix documentation build
PR 1797, Adjust urllib3 version to fix CI and dependencies-latest workflows
PR 1770, Update GitHub Actions workflows
PR 1795, OSL-related fix for dependencies-latest workflow on macOS
PR 1783, Docutils version fix for dependencies-latest workflow
PR 1714, Fix CI warnings / deprecations

Many thanks to the following contributors:

cedrik-fuoco-adsk, remia, markreidvfx, michdolan, num3ric, KelSolaar, carolalynn22,
jay3d, FtZPetruska, brkglvn01, brad0, anderslanglands, and doug-walker


This is an ABI compatible update for the 2.2.x series that includes the relevant fixes since the 2.2.0 release.

Bug fixes and minor enhancements:

PR 1743, Fix inverse Lut1D optimization issue (may affect identity Look transforms in camera log process spaces)
PR 1742, Improve naming of ICC-based virtual displays on Windows
PR 1741, Fix Python ARM Wheel (now works on M1-based Macs)
PR 1738, Update documentation for 2.2 release
PR 1734, Fix issue with isColorSpaceLinear function (to avoid crash when color space doesn't exist)
PR 1726, Processor cache does not detect context variable changes in FileTransform cccid string
PR 1723, Replace "texture2D" function with "texture" for GLSL 1.3 (allows use of GLSL 1.3)

Build enhancements:

PR 1736, OCIO CMake improvements
PR 1729, Hiding minizip-ng symbols on Mac
PR 1725, Fix issue with minizip build
PR 1721, CheckSupportSSE2: Fix sse flags unexpected propagation
PR 1720, Configure the OpenColorIO.pc file on Windows


This is the main new feature release for this year and is the base version for the CY2023 VFX Reference Platform (which specifies 2.2.x).

We anticipate making an ABI-compatible 2.2.1 release near the end of the year that will fix any bugs found with the new features as the 2.2.0 library gets more widely tested.

New features:

PR 1659, Build the new ACES CG and Studio configs into the library itself
PR 1696, Allow OCIO configs to be archived, introducing the .ocioz file format
PR 1710, Convert to or from a known external color space
PR 1703, Add a method to query whether a color space is linear
PR 1637, Address circular build dependency between OCIO and OpenImageIO

Noteworthy bug fixes and enhancements:

PR 1711, Make the interchange roles required for config versions 2.2 or higher
PR 1691, Add support for ICC Parametric curves type 1-4
PR 1689, Add getProcessor calls that take a NamedTransform
PR 1604, Add preliminary support for ACES Metadata Files (AMF)
PR 1693, Add NamedTransform support for Baking and fix crosstalk issue
PR 1704, Add Built-in Transforms for ARRI LogC4 and Canon curves
PR 1706, Add Python 3.11 wheels
PR 1712, Fix atan2 issue with ACES viewing transforms in HLSL
PR 1656, Speed up config ID hashing (replace md5 with xxhash)
PR 1684, Allow ocioconvert, ociowrite, ocioperf to invert a DisplayViewTransform
PR 1646, Provide scripts to facilitate building OCIO on Windows
PR 1630, Improve iridas_cube parsing speed
PR 1605, Add Python source distribution package for PyPI
PR 1598, Add DisplayViewTransform support to Baker
PR 1516, Default to C++ 14 and remove OIIO from ocioperf
PR 1532, Update default branch name to "main"

Other fixes and minor enhancements:

PR 1715, Fix missing warnings issue with ociocheck command-line tool
PR 1713, Update Built-in configs with official 1.0.0 CG and Studio release
PR 1708, Enforce GL_NEAREST with GPU tetrahedral interpolation
PR 1697, Built fix (strtof_l) for MinGW
PR 1695, Add anchorpoint to supported applications
PR 1694, Log OCIO version for debugging purposes
PR 1692, Fix OpenEXR build on ninja
PR 1684, Fix for const literals in HLSL
PR 1678, Build fix (from_chars, strtol_l) for those using the musl-libc library
PR 1669, Correct http links to https
PR 1647, Build fixes for MS Visual Studio 2022
PR 1636, Print version in cmake find_package
PR 1635, Adjust 'family' description in OpenColorIO.h
PR 1632, Fix "requirement" typo in installation.rst
PR 1599, Minor build and CI fixes
PR 1594, Fix cmake issue with Windows Unicode support
PR 1542, Build fixes for C++ 20
PR 1596, Update Carol Payne as TSC Chair in
PR 1498, Add Rémi Achard to &


This is an ABI compatible update for the 2.1.x series that includes the relevant fixes since the 2.1.2 release.

Bug fixes:

PR 1743, Fix inverse Lut1D optimization issue (may affect identity Look transforms in camera log process spaces)
PR 1726, Processor cache does not detect context variable changes in FileTransform cccid string
PR 1723, Replace "texture2D" function with "texture" for GLSL 1.3 (allows use of GLSL 1.3)
PR 1712, Fix atan2 argument order for HLSL (may affect ACES output transforms on Windows)
PR 1697, MinGW: Work around lack of strtof_l for local-independent parsing (allows compiling with MinGW)

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