
Latest version: v0.2.9

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Bump version to V0.2.9 with new mixup augmentations and various optimizers.

New Features

- Support new mixup augmentation methods, including [AdAutoMix]( and [SnapMix]( Config files and models & logs were provided and are on updating.
- Support more PyTorch optimizers implemented, including Adam variants (e.g., AdaBelief, AdaFactor) and SGD variants (e.g., SGDP).
- Support evaluation tools for mixup augmentations, including robustness testing (corruption and adversiral attack robustness) and calibration evaluation.
- Provide more config files for self-supervised learning methods on small-scale datasets (CIFAR-100 and STL-10).


Bump version to V0.2.8 with new features in [MMPreTrain](

New Features

- Support more backbone architectures, including [MobileNetV3](, [EfficientNetV2](, [HRNet](, [CSPNet](, [LeViT](, [MobileViT](, [DaViT](, and [MobileOne](, etc.
- Support CIFAR-100 benchmarks of Metaformer architectures and Mixup variants with Transformers, detailed in [cifar100/advanced]( and [cifar100/mixups]( Models and logs of various CIFAR-100 mixup benchmarks are on updating.
- Support regression tasks with relavent datasets, metrics, and [configs]( Datasets include [AgeDB](, [IMDB-WIKI](, and [RCFMNIST](
- Support Switch EMA in image classification, contrastive learning (BYOL, MoCo variants), and regression tasks.
- Support optimizers implemented in timm, including AdaBelief, AdaFactor, Lion, etc.

Update Documents

- Update formats of awesome lists in [Awesome Mixups](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and [Awesome MIM](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and provide the latest methods (updated to 30/09/2023).

Bug Fixes

- Fix the `by_epoch` setting in `CustomSchedulerHook` and update `DecoupleMix` in `soft_mix_cross_entropy` to support label smoothing settings.
- Fix bugs of Vision Transformers in [cls_mixup_head]( and [reg_head](


Bump version to V0.2.7 with new features as [35]( Update new features of `OpenMixup` v0.2.7 as issue [#36](

Code Refactoring

- Refactor `openmixup.core` (instead of `openmixup.hooks`) and `openmixup.models.augments` (contains mixup augmentation methods which are originally implemented in `openmixup.models.utils`). After code refactoring, the macro design of `OpenMixup` is similar to most projects of MMLab.
- Support deployment of `ONNX` and `TorchScript` in `openmixup.core.export` and `tools/deployment`. We refactored the abstract class `BaseModel` (implemented in `openmixup/models/classifiers/`) to support `forward_inference` (for custom inference and visualization). We also refactored `openmixup.models.heads` and `openmixup.models.losses` to support `forward_inference`. You can deploy the classification models in `OpenMixup` according to [deployment tutorials](
- Support testing API methods in `openmixup/apis/` for evaluation and deployment of classification models.
- Refactor `openmixup.core.optimizers` to separate optimizers and builders and support the latest [Adan]( optimizer.
- Refactor [``]( to support label mixup methods, add `return_mask` for mixup methods in [`augments`]( and add `return_attn` in ViT backbone.
- Refactor `ValidateHook` to support new features as `EvalHook` in mmcv, e.g., `save_best="auto"` during training.
- Refactor `ClsHead` with `BaseClsHead` to support MLP classification head variants in modern network architectures.

New Features

- Support detailed usage instructions in README of config files for image classification methods in `configs/classification`, e.g., [mixups on ImageNet]( READMEs of other methods in `configs/selfsup` and `configs/semisup` will also be updated.
- Refine the origianzation of README files according to [README-Template](
- Support the new mixup augmentation method ([AlignMix]( and provide the relevant config files in various datasets.
- Refine the setup for the local installation and PyPi release in `` and `setup.cfg`. View PyPi project of [OpenMixup](
- Support a new mixup method [TransMix]( and provide config files in [mixups/deit](
- Update config files. Provide full config files of mixup methods based on ViT-T/S/B on ImageNet and update [RSB A3]( config files for popular backbones.
- Update `target_generators` to support the latest MIM pre-training methods (fixed requirements).
- Update config files and scripts for SSL downstream tasks benchmarks (classification, detection, and segmentation).
- Update and fix bugs in visualization tools ([vis_loss_landscape]( Fix [model converters]( tools.
- Support [Semantic-Softmax]( loss and [ImageNet-21K-P (Winter)]( pre-training.
- Support more backbone architectures, including [BEiT](, [MetaFormer](, [ConvNeXtV2](, [VanillaNet](, and [CoC](

Update Documents

- Update documents of mixup benchmarks on ImageNet in []( Update config files for supported mixup methods.
- Update formats (figures, introductions and content tables) of awesome lists in [Awesome Mixups](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and [Awesome MIM](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and provide the latest methods (updated to 18/03/2023).
- Update `api` that describes the overall code structures in `docs/en/api` for the readthedocs page.
- Reorganize and update tutorials for SSL downstream tasks benchmarks (classification, detection, and segmentation).


Bump version to V0.2.6 with new features as [20]( Update new features and documents of `OpenMixup` v0.2.6 as issue [#24](, fix relevant issue [#25](, issue [#26](, issue [#27](, issue [#31](, and issue [#33](

New Features

- Support new backbone architectures ([EdgeNeXt](, [EfficientFormer](, [HorNet](, ([MogaNet](, [MViT.V2](, [ShuffleNet.V1](, [DeiT-3](, and provide relevant network modules in `models/utils/layers`. Config files and are updated.
- Support new self-supervised method [BEiT]( with ViT-Base on ImageNet-1K, and fix bugs of [CAE](, [MaskFeat](, and [SimMIM]( in `Dataset`, `Model`, and `Head`. Note that we added `HOG` feature implementation borrowed from the [original repo]( for [MaskFeat]( Update pre-training and fine-tuning config files, and documents for the relevant masked image modeling (MIM) methods ([BEiT](, [MaskFeat](, [CAE](, and [A2MIM]( Support more fine-tuning setting on ImageNet for MIM pre-training based on various backbones (e.g., ViTs, ResNets, ConvNeXts).
- Fix the updated arXiv.V2 version of [VAN]( by adding architecture configurations.
- Support [ArcFace]( loss for metric learning and the relevant `NormLinearClsHead`. And support [SeeSaw]( loss for long-tail classification tasks.
- Update the issue template with more relevant links and emojis.
- Support Grad-CAM visualization tools [](tools/visualizations/ of supported architectures.

Update Documents

- Update our `OpenMixup` tech report on [arXiv](, which provides more technical details and benchmark results.
- Update self-supervised learning []( And update documents of the new backbone and self-supervised methods.
- Update supervised learning []( as provided in [AutoMix]( and support more mixup benchmark results.
- Update the template and add the latest paper lists of mixup and MIM methods in [Awesome Mixups](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and [Awesome MIM](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ We provide teaser figures of most papers as illustrations.
- Update [documents](docs/en/tools) of `tools`.

Bug Fixes

- Fix raising error notification of `torch.fft` for *PyTorch 1.6* or lower versions in backbones and heads.
- Fix `` (new icons, fixing typos) and support pytest in `tests`.
- Fix the classification heads and update implementations and config files of [AlexNet]( and [InceptionV3](


Bump version to V0.2.5 with new features and updating documents as [10]( Update features and fix bugs in V0.2.5 as [#17]( Update features and documents in V0.2.5 as [#18]( and [#19](

New Features

- Support new attention mechanisms in backbone architectures ([Anti-Oversmoothing](, `FlowAttention` in [FlowFormer]( and `PoolAttention` in [MViTv2](
- Update code intergration testing in [tests](

Update Documents

- Recognize `README` and `README` for various methods.
- Update [Awesome Mixups](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and [Awesome MIM](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/
- Update [](docs/en/ and [Tutorials](docs/en/tutorials) for better usage of `OpenMixup`.
- Update mixup benchmarks in [model_zoos](docs/en/model_zoos/ providing configs, weights, and more details.
- Update latest methods in [Awesome Mixups](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/ and [Awesome MIM](docs/en/awesome_selfsup/
- Update `` and fix `` for various datasets.

Bug Fixes

- Fix visualization of the reconstruction results in `MAE`.
- Fix the normalization bug in config files and `` as mentioned in [16](
- Fix the random seeds in `tools/` as mentioned in [14](


Update new features and fix bugs as [7](

New Features

- Support new backbone architectures ([LITv2](
- Refactor code structures weight initialization in various network modules (using `BaseModule` in `mmcv`).
- Refactor code structures of `openmixup.models.utils.layers` to support more network structures.

Bug Fixes

- Fix bugs that cause degenerate performances of pure Transformer backbones (DeiT and Swin) in `OpenMixup`. The main reason might be the old version of `auto_fp16` and `DistOptimizerHook` implementations, since `PyTorch=>1.6.0` has better support of fp16 training than `mmcv`.
- Fix the bug of ViT fine-tuning for MIM methods (e.g., MAE, SimMIM). The original `MIMVisionTransformer` in `openmixup.models.mim_vit` has frozen all the backbone parameters during fine-tuning.
- Fix the initialization of Transformer-based architectures (e.g., ViT, Swin) to reproduce the train-from-scratch performances.
- Fix the weight initialization of Transformer-based architectures (e.g., ViT, Swin) to reproduce the train-from-scratch performance. Update weight initialization, parameter-wise weight decay, and fp16 settings in relevant config files.

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