Hello and welcome to version 0.2.0 of OpenMOC!
In this newest release we have added many features to both improve performance and expand the capabilities of OpenMOC. We have made improvements to nearly every part of the code since version 0.1.0. In particular, we have improved ray tracing capabilities, geometric handling, accelerated the solver, and have extended the capabilities of OpenMOC. We hope you enjoy the improved performance and enhanced capabilities.
New Features
- Major improvements to geometric primitives interface
- Improved parallel performance with thread-safe parallel data structures
- Reduced input file complexity
- Support for fixed source calculations
- Support for adjoint calculations
- Support for periodic boundary conditions
- Implementation of faster linear solver techniques
- A variety of convergence criteria
- Simplified and improved materials interface
- Support for 3D geometries with 2D track generators specified at axial heights
- General abstraction for polar quadratures
- Automated moderator radial discretization
- An alternative C++ only build system for profiling
- Faster ray tracing
- Support for Krylov solver for multi-eigenmode calculations
- K-nearest neighbor CMFD updating
- Additional sample input cases
- lots and lots of bug fixes